Part Twenty-Three

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Arjun was continuously looking at the fallen Rajkumari in his arms. He was drowning all the sounds around him as she was his priority but whilst speed walking with her in his arms he noticed her true beauty, not what she looks like even though she was exquisite he saw her for herself as she ended the suffering of everyone before it got out of control, she risked her life for everyone today and for that he had the utmost respect for her. As her brothers were leading him in to their territory he noticed that his Mahdav had gone and reminded himself mentally to go find him after.

Once reaching Draupadi's tent Drisht extended his hand for him to place her on the bed while her younger brother Kamalakar had gone to find their royal vidyaa, Arjun slowly started to lower her down on to her bed as her hair got stuck in his earring he slowly unknotted her hair and the hand that was placed on his chest he grabbed hold of it and squeezed it reassuringly and placed it on her stomach. Just then a gush of wind entered the tent as it made everything go everywhere a strand of her own hair fell delicately on top of her face slowly he brushed his fingers across her face and moved it out of her way. As her siblings and parents rushed forward he stepped back to let the family through.

All the ladies were in tears as they tried to console one another, the youngest Dakshi looked at her older and sister and started crying loudly as every one turned their attention to her she was screaming Di at the top of her lungs so loud that Madhiumta was signalled to take her out with her kicking and screaming Kalandhi placed a kiss on her sisters head not able to bear the pain she pulled the younger two out in attempt to calm them down, Sadhika was a mess she couldn't control herself as she looked to see her older sister getting paler she ran out to try and control herself as well as the younger ones. Everyone watched as they ran out. Shikandani was signalled by her mothers and fathers to go and take there minds of things and take them to the beach. With one last look at her sister she asked that they be informed of any changes and made her way.

The brothers looked at their sister who looked so fragile they all looked at one another feeling guilty that they couldn't help their sister. Prashati was shocked she couldn't see her child go through all that pain as she felt dizzy she grabbed on to Abhay and Ambarish as she fell to the floor with a thud the two sons tried to shake the queen awake as the other Queens rushed to her side they ordered one of them to carry her to her tent and find someone look at her Sagarika and Kadambari left with their sons and told kunti and Gandhari to stay with draupadi which they gladly accepted. Dhrist couldn't help to cry as he took a seat next to his sister he said " Forgive me Draupadi i couldn't protect my sister but please we need you, get up please... please won't you listen to your twin brother." Sadashiv appeared by his side as he placed a hand on his shoulder in comforting way Dhrist looked up to see tears in his older brothers eyes as Dhrist said "Bhai why won't she wake up why won't she listen to me." Samarthya replied with tears in his eyes "You do realise that if Draupadi Di wakes up and sees us crying she going to chase us and would probably tell us to grow up and then stuff food in our mouths and chase us some more." They all laughed. Just then Abhay and Ambarish came in and sat on the other side as Abhay grasped her hand the brothers tried to control their emotions but they burst eventually as they shared a group hug trying to give themselves some positivity.

Draupad was a mess just like the rest of his family but his best friend Drona was their to support him, that's right he was forgiven and they decided to let go of the past, the grandsire also had tears in his eyes after talking to her he was very fond of her and just like Drona he treated her equal to a daughter the daughter he never had, the pandavs were devastated seeing everyone in so much pain but Arjun was the opposite he was in pain seeing her like this it hurt physically and mentally. He mentally said "Krishnaa please get better you don't realise the pain that your family is going through, the people that have grown to love you, me."

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