Part Sixty-Three

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Draupadi ran all over the palace in search of Arjun She finally decided to check at their special spot,it had become their spot where they would talk for hours, she ran out of the palace doors and out into the jet black veil that draped the sky. Stopping meters away she looked up at the moon and smiled her gaze dropped down as her eyes caught a silhouette in the distance just staring into the river in front, as she was walking Arjun heard her anklets and instantly his body tensed. He didn't need to turn around her knew it was her,his mind had memorised the sound of her. He gazed into the river as Draupadi placed a hand on his shoulder before dropping next to him. The two remained silent as the atmosphere dulled Draupadi felt something stir within her,he was in pain but what about? Gently she asked "Arjun,What's wrong?" He shook his head and turned his face away from her, Her hand instantly touched his face turning it back to her, they looked into each others eyes mentally talking with one another. She tried again."Arjun tell me whats wrong." With a pain filled voice he answered her "We are leaving to go back to Hastinapur." She was shocked her hand dropped to her side as she calmly tired to take it in;First her sister and now him it hurt. Arjun noticed the look on her face "Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes because those who love with their heart and soul,their is no separation." She smiled he had read her mind. "People think that your soul mate is your best fit,and thats what everyone wants.But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back,the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life." She smiled sadly as she finished he smirked and replied "Woah am i sitting next to the best philosopher in Aryavarth." The two burst out laughing and soon enough the laughter died down the two sat in comfortable silence, Draupadi placed an arm around him leaning her head on the side of his,Arjun who had been facing forth slowly turned and captured her lips in and intense and passionate kiss as the two broke the kiss cheers were heard until Draupadi spoke up and said "You shouldn't have done that." Groans were then heard. "And why the hell not.""Have you forgotten about Subhdra." He dropped his gaze in reality he had he was so caught up in the moment but he didn't regret it. The two remained silent again until Draupadi broke the silence again " one final piece of advice Arjun, Find a balance in your life.Work hard but don't let work take over your life,you will end up losing yourself.Love but love for the right reasons. Life is too short for anything mediocre. Know who you are know that you are worthy  of reaching your dreams and that its never to late  to start creating that life you have always dreamed of. Do not compare yourself to others,thats just deadly.No two souls are the same.Your are your own person and you are unique.Put your trust into the universe.Some things are just meant to happen and some aren't. Let g of whatever is stealing your happiness,it's hard but its worth it. Embrace change.Embrace life,Everything happens for a reason sometimes you just need to breathe, trust and let go." Arjun looked at her " I will...I will do it for you all of it." They smiled as an 'Awwww' was heard as the two looked at each other completely confused. Arjun slowly began to lean in again "Arjun"She whispered "Krishnaa please just this once i need it." Nodding in acceptance she let the the water prince claim her lips.Her the princess of fire. It was slow and filled with pain this was it for them for now anyway. Once they broke the kiss Draupadi dropped her head on his shoulder and once again an 'Awww' was heard this time Draupadi got up and looked behind a bush only to find all her siblings krishna and the pandavs there she shook her head but didn't say anything she would deal with them later,sitting back down next to Arjun and placing her head on his shoulder the two enjoyed their final moments together "You know Draupadi...." He looked up at the moon."Sometimes i think of the sun and moon as lovers,who rarely meet, always chase, and almost miss one another. But once in a while when they do catch up and reunite the world stands in awe." Arjun smiled as Draupadi agreed after a while she had fallen asleep much to Arjun's amusement. He picked her bridal style and planted a kiss on her forehead as he put her on her bed. Is this really it?????

Hey guys let me know what you think and please vote and comment Luv you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And sorry for such a short chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys let me know what you think and please vote and comment Luv you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And sorry for such a short chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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