Part Forty

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*Two hours later.*

Nothing had happened in the past two hours, Prashati continued her screaming but nothing Draupadi wasn't getting up this was horrible with every scream Arjun felt like he died on the inside every time. The hope was slipping away as she got paler and paler. The Vidyaa couldn't do anything as she left with her head hanging down. This was it. They all had taken seats in her room besides the Vatsa family who had gone to make some arrangements. Whilst everyone was distracted a glow surrounded her Dakshi noticed this and quickly pointed it out all the cuts, scrapes,bruises as well as the stab wound healed itself, they were astonished she was healed completely they hugged one another in relief as she slowly started to stir.

She opened her lotus like eyes which quickly landed on Arjun she smiled at him which he returned. As she was getting up Arjun ran up to her and grabbed her hand and then helped her to sit up comfortably as everyone smiled knowingly.Love. That was the only thing you could see in their eyes. He moved away and blushed as Krishna nudged him. She was then attacked by hugs as she smiled warmly at them all when she noticed tears "why are you guys crying." "Putri you almost died.""Seriously, uhh not again."Her brothers explained what Sera did but everyone noticed how she was smiling. "Putri." Said Pitama "How come your smiling she nearly killed you." "But she didn't she failed once again its gonna take a lot more than that to get rid of me." The laughed and smiled at how determined and courageous she is. Krishna taking the opportunity said " Good to see you alive Sakhi with out you who would chase me huh and seems like someone would miss you dearly." They all looked at Arjun."You know Sakhi i haven't seen Arjun so concerned." Arjun blushed and looked away she looked at him and couldn't help but stare, she quickly averted her eyes as he looked at her.

She stood up on her bed and said "Right, dry these stupid tears, i would chase you but we kind of have a wedding to prepare for, the ladies nearly fainted at that, "ohh shit we need to prepare today is the night before and in Panchal we party so we can do the chura and nankeshak oh god", Draupadi ran off her bed hugged everyone and ran out shouting at people to get a move on. They laughed as she practically walked into Arjun, she stood back up brushed his shoulders offering him a smile as she walked on going back to shouting to hurry up with the preparations.

*Three hours later*

The girls were rushing around like crazy they were handing each other things in order to complete their look.

Draupadi's outfit:

Draupadi's outfit:

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A love that brings pain.Where stories live. Discover now