Part Fifty-Six

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In the past three days much had happened, Shikandani's wedding was fixed with Rajkumar Aashish, the two instantly took a liking to each other and became almost like best friends and could talk to each other about anything, the two kings then decided to fix a wedding date, and the engagement was to happen in a few days.

Draupadi was still lashing out at the dummy and seeing Arjun and Subhdra together didn't help, after their little encounter she was deeply affected ,but him...Nothing he just carried on normally which pissed Draupadi off even more. And to add to her problems another prince was on her back, Adityaa was his name and he instantly fell for Draupadi who didn't even want to look at him.

*Present Day*

Adityaa was following Draupadi around the garden once again she was practically running away from him but he wouldn't back down,he had that creepy edge to him and even her Brother-in-law to be who had already become overprotective had warned her to stay away from him. She ran into the court room where she saw Arjun and Subhdra hugging and smiling she glared at them whilst they weren't looking, she walked up to the centre of the court where she was stopped by a hand as she turned she saw Adityaa; mentally killing him three times she ripped her arm from his grip but he clasped her arm really tight. This hadn't gone unmissed by anyone as fear washed through Draupadi's eyes, She sent pleading looks to everyone but they couldn't do anything. "Maharaj Draupad." Adityaa said "I want permission to take the Princess out for a bit if that is okay with you." Draupadi locked eyes with her father and shook her head requesting him not to, he sent her a helpless look and nodded. Fear gripped everyone as they watched the Prince pull Draupadi with sheer force, she walked past Arjun as he glanced down he noticed a mark had started to appear due to Adityaa's grip, she sent a pleading glance to him almost begging her to help her but he moved his gaze and stood there. She closed her eyes despite the pain in her arm nothing could describe the pain she felt when he did that. She was dragged into a chariot as her family looked on helplessly- seeing their worried faces she tried to light the mood by giving them a weak smile,the arrogant prince pulled her to him and they all looked at her arm that had finger marks, they winced and watched as the chariot went out the castle doors.

They had arrived in the forest and Draupadi was beyond freaked out what was he going to do to her he tossed her a sword and took one himself before attacking her in the same moment. His reflexes were fast but she managed to block his attacks, his sword grazed a bit of skin on her cheek and as he came near he kissed her cheek and started kissing down her neck, she fought against him and pushed him back but as she turned to run he grabbed her dupatta that was covering her off, leaving her feeling exposed, he pushed her into a tree and out of nowhere a soldier came and on Adityaa's orders tied her to the tree he also tied her feet giving her no mechanism to fight back. Adityaa stood on platform and took a bow and arrow aiming at her, she took a deep breath and tried fighting against the ropes which her burning and cutting her skin as she begged him to let her go. He was having fun no doubt. Just then a tiger came out of nowhere and started pacing towards her as it pounced she turned her head waiting for the impact but it never came as blood splashed all over her, she looked up to see Adityaa who had killed it. He stalked over to her intimidatingly, he roughly started kissing her and caressing her body as she squirmed under his death like grip. He hungrily kissed her and pinned her arms that were now free to the tree, she pushed him with force and ran quickly recovering he ran after she tripped over a rock and her head hit a rock, she winced in pain as he came closer to her she picked up a stone and hid behind a tree as he came up to the tree she was hiding behind he looked around confused, she then came up behind him and hit the rock on his head making him go unconscious. With all her might she ran back to her home but as she was something pierced her foot not paying attention to the pain she ran on.

It was late everyone had called it a night but Arjun who was waiting desperately for Draupadi, as he was walking to her chambers he looked down seeing a trail of blood. Whose blood is this he thought following the trail it lead him to Draupadi and their she was the love of his life crying in pain as she grabbed on to her foot in pain. Whats he done to her. He examined her and felt his heart break. As he was going to step forth he stopped he walked out of her chamber returning quickly with balm. He walked in front of her, with her not realising. "Here this will help the pain and the cuts will go away quickly." She looked up at him and his heart stopped she took the balm not saying a word, he then asked "Should i call the vidyaa or maybe Adityaa." Jealousy was dripping as he said the last bit but that was clouded as Draupadi quickly replied "No! Please don't call him i'll do it myself." And for the first time he saw her eyes holding fear-what did he do to her. As he began to walk away he heard a painful scream causing his heart to skip a beat. He ran back and took the balm "I'll do it." as he put a little pressure she screamed out and grabbed onto him. He then said "You lie down it will be easier." He tried supporting her to the bed but as soon as she stood she dropped back down holding onto him. He then picked her up bridal style and then lay her on her bed, he then put the balm on her as she shivered at his touch it was nice to know he still had that affect on her, he then asked as he was continuing what happened and as she told him anger sparked in his eyes he hugged her in his warm arms only to find her stiffen but soon she relaxed and let him. Tomorrow the first thing he was going to do was tell the King. He watched her as she slept he kissed her forehead and fell asleep next to her.

Hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chapter i know its long i loved writing this chapter it is by far the best chapter in my opinion please vote if you loved it and do comment and let me know what you think. Also i want to show you guys my inspiration for this chapter.

I absolutely love Ashok and Ahankara (AshKara) and i love their scenes do let me know what you guys think of these two and if you guys ship them also i'm thinking of doing a fanfic on these two let me know if you guys would be interested

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