Part Forty-Nine

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Things were of to a rough start. Draupadi hated it here. The king of the clan was so rude and same with his arrogant sons. She hadn't quite got the dynamics of how this kingdom worked but she had a feeling she was about to find out. Her cover name was Rajkumari Shakti and in away the name boosted her confidence to new heights with no thought about HIM.

She decided to take a stroll in the village,after taking permission from Varu the king she proceeded to leave only to be stopped by the high prince, Prince Varun. She exhaled a breathe that she didn't realise she was holding and turned in their direction. He spoke "Dad I'll go with her we can't have a beautiful maiden wondering around alone" he winked at her. Her expression turned cold as she interrupted the king before he could speak. "I am more than capable of taking care of myself." She snapped back in disgust. This was the problem with men they thought they were superior than women but that wasn't true, the amount of pain that a woman has to bear; she is as equivalent to a warrior.
She then remembered that she needed to hide her identity. Crap. "I mean to say my king is that I wish to explore alone if permission is granted." The old king smiled and urged her to go and discover and before the mannerless Yuvraj could object she ran picking up her lengha as her anklets danced on her feet creating a tinkle sound as she raced on.

In the distance, she finally composed herself and continued walking on, just as she entered the village area she was instantly left horrified;people were getting whipped for not giving gold for the kings sons birthday, what kind of shit was that, just then a woman was pulled by the hair and pushed into the dirt as one soldier spoke "she is a traitor, her husband killed our king, this was queen Mura and she is a traitor, punish her." Just then stones were thrown at the poor lady as the soldiers began to whip her. Draupadi closed her eyes as rage seeped through her. With her fists clenched she barged forth and used her body as a barrier whilst the villagers continued to throw stones and the soldiers whipping, she protested and screamed to let this lady go but no, so she stayed as a barrier taking the hits. Draupadi was beyond pissed as the next whip  came flying down she caught it and jerked the rope pulling the soldier and beating the living daylights out of him. She released him and helped the lady stand, the queen  cupped her facing "go child they will beat you." Draupadi smiled slightly and shook her head she faced the soldiers "I am Rajkumari Shakti." They stood stunned and mesmerised. Instantly the soldiers bowed in respect and forcefully dragged the lady but before they could she whispered to Mura "I'll get you out." Little did she known that a bhramin was smiling as he witnessed the entire encounter.

Draupadi was enraged what kind of king would do that to his own subjects she stormed in ready to face the greedy king who was overpowered by power...

Hey guys another chapter that I hope keeps you all happy, I left on a cliffhanger and as far as I can remember this is the first time that I'm doing it let me know if you liked it. Also please comment and let me know what you think high voltage drama is coming your way in the next chapter or two.

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