Part Seventy-Three

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  "They took Draupadi." The only thing she managed to say before sobs over took her body once again, Krishna held her against him as stray tears fell from his lotus eyes. Everyone began to take support of one another, but Arjun stood there frozen to the spot, he spotted something one the floor as they all turned to watch him, a torn piece of her dupatta he picked it up as a lone tear escaped from his eye. Looking up into the atmosphere he screamed "DRAUPADI." That was enough to push everyone to tears. He collapsed to the floor holding on to the piece of dupatta.   

Draupadi's white clothes were stained with dirt and patches of blood here and there, King Kairav stood before her, she looked him straight in the eye not once faltering under the capacity of the chains, she glared at him;if looks could kill he would be dead. He glared back down at her as he spoke "Ahh another princess to add to my collection." Walking down the stair he stood in front of Draupadi, praising her beauty he moved to stroke her face but Draupadi quickly turned her face while he smirked "Feisty i see, well that will change soon.Bow down Rajkumari." Draupadi refused to do this and instantly Kairav sent a slap to her face, but that didn't shake Draupadi, she remained silent and glared at him, the guards were signalled to make her bow but they struggled, in the end they had the guards take her to the dungeon;pushing her roughly about they tossed her into the cell leaving her there. As she began to sit up she saw two other princesses in the cell, one of them walked over and helped her up she smiled warmly at her introducing her self. "Hi, my names is Diya and that is Kajri."



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Draupadi managed to give her a weak smile, the two girls minus Kajri began talking and getting to know one another, instantly they had gotten to know each other and their dilemma's pretty well

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Draupadi managed to give her a weak smile, the two girls minus Kajri began talking and getting to know one another, instantly they had gotten to know each other and their dilemma's pretty well. Diya had told Draupadi that her and her husband to be Raj had been sentenced to exile and the wretched king had kidnapped her when her husband was away. They continued chatting into the early hours in the morning and by then they knew everything about one another, Kajri on the other hand had been sending Draupadi envious looks not saying a word, her and Diya never got along and she already didn't like this Draupadi. The fire born looked her way which didn't go missed by Kajri.

K-"What are you looking at."

Diya-" Oh calm down your not in control of her eyes she can look where she bloody wants to."

Kajri rolled her eyes and as a guard came for her she rushed out Diya shook her head and explained to Draupadi that she bitter because of the fact no one has come for her. Draupadi felt her insides churn would that mean no one would come for her. She shook herself from those thoughts, and the two girls went back to chatting.

A guard roughly barged into the cell and pulled Draupadi her hair. She looked at Diya who had a sense of worry glistening in her eyes, she offered her look of support, mouthing that she will be here when she gets back, some how that relaxed her, as she was hauled outside the kingdom and tied to a rope from her hands.

*Back at the Ashram*

Everyone had been working extremely hard and deserted the ashram, camping outside of the Kingdom, they had there met a man named Raj as he took them all in and together Raj, Arjun and Krishna were discussing plans of attack to get their lovers (Friend in Krishna's case) back.

*Back in the kingdom.*

Draupadi was all tied up as the king's booming voice sounded "Rajkumari you are sentenced to a punishment for plotting against your King." Draupadi looked at him confusion gripping her mind "What? Who told you that?" Just then if on que Kajri walked out on to the podium "Because she told me." Draupadi growled under her breath but into a muffled scream as a whip clashed to her back, "I think with a hundred you should learn your lesson." His guards whipped a way a Draupadi bit her tongue to muffle her screams and kept her eyes trained on the king and Kajri. Once her 'Punishment' was finished they untied her causing her to go crashing to the floor. Grasping her petit forearms they roughly dragged her to her cell physically chucking her in, in front of Diya, Diya had began crying for her and tried her best to help by putting a balm on but it sparked more pain for the flames who felt like her energy was draining.

Hey guys sorry for such a short one but i wanted to establish the three new characters as quickly as possible do let me know what you think of them and this chapter in the comment section below, thanks a million and love ya all. 

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