Part Seventy-Six

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  Brilliant gold and orange hues bled like fire in the east over the rivers and beyond the city. The first slither of the sun peeked over the skyline in a radiant, white form. Gradually it raised, a defined circle in a vibrant backdrop.

Draupadi was sitting in a palace bedroom looking into the mirror as Diya finished of her look by placing her veil on top of her head. The two looked at her through the mirror. She was looking divine in the bridal lengha, the red complementing her complexion. The colour red is commonly associated with love and passion. Red is also connected to the rising sun. According to astrology, the planet in charge of marriages, Mars, is red in colour.

She tore her gaze away from her image and looked at her hands, the mendhi artist who had came had done the patterns beautifully but the Yagyaseni had gotten Arjun's name written in the pattern she smiled to herself as tears formed in her eyes, Diy...

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She tore her gaze away from her image and looked at her hands, the mendhi artist who had came had done the patterns beautifully but the Yagyaseni had gotten Arjun's name written in the pattern she smiled to herself as tears formed in her eyes, Diya hugged her from behind, silently comforting her in her own way.

They were signalled by a Daasi to come down, Diya helped her to stand and led her down to the mandap. Her eyes clouded over as she saw Kairav part of her wishing it was Arjun, her heart quenching in despair, onlookers looked at the bride and felt the despair dripping from her, the one who always controlled and soothed the pain of others, that pain had distinguished her fire. She closed her eyes once opening them she didn't see Kairav she saw Arjun dressed in an grooms attire, sending her his signature smirk. She smiled softly to herself but that moment in paradise was cut short as Diya shook her slightly bringing her back to the bitter reality of her life. With Diya's help she managed to reach the mandap without fainting in the process. Kairav sent her a lustful look and licked his lips, she gulped. She stood before Kairav and commenced the wedding.

She was unaware about what was going on, they had just begun the Akshatropanam  &  Panigrahanam a tear slipped from her eyes into the fire and with that one tear the fire distinguished. Out of no where Arjun, Raj, Krishna and a mob of people stormed in, Draupadi had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't having an Arjun dream again. It was real. If there hadn't been a fight she definitely done a victory dance. She chuckled to herself and turned her attention to the problem in front of her assessing the issue. Arjun had begun to take on Kairav as Krishna and Satya dealt with the soldiers, Raj had pulled Diya to his side and grasping her hand began to fight off soldiers who began to attack them. Arjun had knocked Kairav out temporarily and ran to Draupadi, she looked up at him in pain. He grasped her hand and began to drag her away from the commotion he then shouted "fall back." As they all ran back to their hide out.

They had reached the trimuti and the tridevi present, the girls had huddled in a group hug as the boys smiled at the sight, they looked at one another and stepped fort, embracing the girls in a group hug in such as fashion it looked like the men were protecting their lovers. Once breaking the hug , Arjun looked at Draupadi, she was dressed as a bride either way bride or not she looked divine, Draupadi turned to meet his gaze. Satya looked at her friend "Draupadi what happened to you there." Brick by brick, her walls came tumbling down. As she ran from her friends the tears in her eyes turned the rainy day into a whirlwind of greys and yellows. She ran into a closed of room. She didn't care who saw. She just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping through her muscles, bones, and guts. She pressed her forehead against the grimy wall and began to let her heart yank in and out of her chest. It pulled back in like a yo yo. Over and over. In and out. She was hollow. Her life crumbled in her fingertips. Memorise flooding like a river she let out painful screams of agony. Managing to break in the boys and girls ran in to see Draupadi doing the unthinkable, a dagger in hand she was about to slit her wrist, Arjun looked at her in shock as did the rest. One though flooded Arjun's mind he needed to reach her before he lost his life support, breaking off in a sprint he reached her and wrapped his fingers around her smooth skin, he made her drop the dagger as she looked down at his hand against her skin he did the same and to say he was shocked was an understatement, underneath her mendhi he saw rope marks and cuts along her long slender arms he forced himself to look up into her eyes but her head was turned he let go of her as she collapsed to the fall, Diya and Satya looked at each other before gathering the fallen roop of adishakti in their arms as together the tridevi mourned, Krishna and Raj looked at one another and Krishna pulled Draupadi from their girls and placed her head on his chest while both him and Raj comforted her in a brotherly way, some way they had calmed her down as she fell asleep on them. Arjun scooped her up in his arms and placed her on his bed...yes heard right she had walked well ran into his room.

He studied her as she slept. Her hair contained under the bridal dupatta. Her small frame was curled to one side as if in protection of itself and her full lips were slightly parted. What held his attention longest however were her lashes. Long, thick, and dark. They weren't caked in that black paint she brushed into them everyday that clumped her lashes together unnaturally and by the end of the day had crumbled under her eyes and added to the already dark bags beneath them. He had never seen her without the makeup she wore as a barrier between her and the world. He wanted to run his fingers over those lashes. He could bet they were as soft as silk, light as a feather. The moonlight that crept through the window fell over eyes and made those lashes glisten so that from the correct angle they looked almost white. He wanted to kiss each one of her eyelids and feel those lovely lashes tickle his lips. He never wanted to see those lashes damp. Not ever again. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder he turned around to see Satya, "Let her sleep we will deal with this at the right time, she hurt, Diya told us what she went through she needs you now more then ever, don't screw this up Arjun all you will have Devi Lakshmi and Devi saraswati on your back." Just then Krishna chirped "And Vishnu." Raj smirked and said "And Brahma dev." Diya rolled her eyes at their antics and slapped Raj in the chest Krishna then spoke up "Drau probably taught her that, very vicious that fire born, making the whole population of women violent." Satya the whacked him in the back of the head as Krishna then said " Oh god not you too." They chuckled and turned back to Draupadi as Diya noticed the look in Arjun's eyes "She will be fine Arjun she's strong and as long as she has her shiv, shakti will be fine."

Hey guys sorry for the delay i just haven't had time to do any updating, having so many exams its beyond a joke but hey i'm pretty sure 20 years down the line i'll probably thanking them, anyway high voltage drama and doesn't just stop there things are gone take a turn for the better or worse who knows.....Oh wait i any way you are in for a ride so buckle up and hold on tight.(Always wanted to say that.) Anyway please do comment and let me know what you think and please do vote. Thanks a million.

 Thanks a million

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