Part Eighty-Eight

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Bhisma and Draupadi went in to find the Pandavs weapons lying on the floor, they crouched down and picked them up, Draupadi picked up Arjun's bow stroking it, Arjun felt it as he was walking and closed his eyes a ghost smile plastering over his features.After searching more Bhisma and Draupadi hurried out and after a farewell's Bhisma rode of back to Hastinapur holding the pandav's weapons, Draupadi fell to the floor and just sat there staring aimlessly.

After sometime she got up dusting her skirts and mounted her horse before riding off back to her kingdom, however she failed to see five men and a woman stare at her as she did. Just as she arrived Bhisma too had arrived in hastinapur with the Pandavs weapons before breaking down by Vidur as the rest of the kingdom mourned the loss of the Pandav Kumars and there Pandu Rani Kunti. Draupadi entered Panchal her family turned to her. "He's gone." Dhrist went and embraced her, she tensed a minute later she relaxed as her entire family joined in. Her love was gone but her family was here.

Weeks turned into months, Draupadi stood about on her balcony her hair let lose as she stared up towards the moon in the sky, her eyes becoming moist as droplets of tears dropped running down her face leaving a trail for the next to follow. These months had been hard for her but in front of her family she masked it spreading happiness through the palace wall. But where ever she would go and what ever she would do she would always take HIS name, she would see him in her dreams and even in reality, she was shook to the core with the wish to be able to see him again. Aashairya walked through Draupadi's chambers "Drau, I know you still love him but you can't stop living if he saw you in this state what would he say- he loves you too much to see you broken like this and who knows if it is meant to happen god will reunite you with him because no force in the world can stop love from uniting." Aashairya placed a hand on her shoulder "But bhabhi he's dead." "And who told you that;him and his brothers are five of the best warriors in Aryavarth and your telling me you think I fire would kill them, Draupadi have some hope." "Hope left me from the day he left." Draupadi wiped a stray tear and walked out her inner chambers. She ran past her brothers who looked at her identifying the pain she was going through but decided to let her be, they knew deep down that she needed time and with time she would eventually heal from the past wounds.
She mounted her white snow like horse and rode out the castle doors. With each gallop a memory of her and Arjun flew through her brain playing them one by one like a broken record. Her heart yearned to be in his embrace;to make eye contact with those hazel eyes, to feel his lips grazing hers but in this moment of time it seemed to far fetched. She had lost hope. Nothing. She yearned day in and day out but knew she wasn't going to get what she wanted because nothing could bring someone back from the dead and even if she did have that type of power she knew she was being selfish. Yes she was. She wanted her Arjun for herself and no one else. She smiled at her own childishness-he had changed her-undoubtedly. She wondered off towards the woods riding deeper into the woods. She needed to be alone for a while- her family had been constantly with her, constantly asking how she was and constantly bringing Arjun up. It hurt her. She hated how the minute he was brought up her heart would pound furiously and it would suddenly become to hard for her to breath. Arjun  always promised her that some how even if the entire world was against it Shiv and Shakti will always unite. Of course she did plenty to try to divert her mind, mainly trying to find out who did that to the pandavs- hey i  said try to  divert her mind, not that she actually did but Draupadi knew the ultimate truth; every heart beat, every breath was for one and one only. Arjun. That caused her to dig deep and find who was responsible and when she did she had no idea what to  do. The Karurvas. Blood killing blood. In her mind she never thought that family would result to killing each other. It made her sick. She rode deeper but came to a sudden halt knowing that her horse was tired. Mounting off, Draupadi gathered some water giving to her horse before sitting down under a huge tree. She closed her eyes listening to the sounds of nature when suddenly she heard an evil laugh. Her eyes shot open however she was greeted with nothing. She closed again but the sound was heard once again. Her eyes fluttered open looking around. She stood up and turned around. The mysterious villain appeared from behind laughing menacingly. Draupadi turned around her hair bouncing wildly in the wind as she did. Her hear skipping a few beats. She closed her eyes and opened her palm a sword taking place in her hand. She looked at her offender. He didn't say anything but attacked with force. It caught her off guard but she quickly on instinct reacted. She only managed a few attacks she was in defensive as his sword smashed against hers. She was confused as to he was but pushed away her queries knowing that one mistake could cost her her life. She pushed his swords back with all her might and took the best option. She ran. Ran as fast as she could. He quickly caught up to her and swung his sword down. Draupadi flinched and held her hands above her face. But the impact never came. She opened one eye to see another male figure kill the other mysterious guy. She moved back slightly with one eye open but stumbled on a rock, Her one eye quickly shut, but once again the impact never came. She felt two muscular arms wrapped around her waist. She knew that touch, she knew. "Arjun...." She muttered out. 

Krishna was sitting in Dwarka with Satya by his side. He smiled. Shiv and Shakti had been united.

Hey guys. i know, i know what your gonna say. i haven't updated in like forever.i'm hand on heart sorry, i didn't mean to. Its just that i have a knew book on Naamkaran's jodi Avneil and i just wanted to get that book were i wanted it to be. I know that this might seem as an excuse but it is really hard to update two books and to top it off its wedding season, you know the call. Any way please forgive me and comment on what you like about this update and don't forget to vote and follow too. Thank you all for your patience, its appreciated. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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