Part Thirty-Eight

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Two days until the wedding. That's it and then the two souls of her Brother and Babhi to be will be one. She smiled at the thought. The queens had all decided that they wanted to do a pooja for the welfare of the two but the bride was not allowed to be present so she was asked to stay behind with her Babhi to be just in case something bad happens  but for some reason she felt like something bad was definitely going to happen it was like a gut feeling but she still agreed to stay and make sure nothing happens.

The girls were sitting and chatting in the room as they looked at the lengha's to be worn for the wedding the two laughed and some how Aashairya decided to move the conversation onto Arjun she asked a load of questions as Draupadi blushed and decided to get it of her chest "I think i like him but i'm not sure." "Well tell me how you feel around him." "I feel at peace i feel like the whole world makes sense when i'm with him." Aashairya then asked "What do you like about him." Draupadi replied "I like everything about him, i love his caring nature his eyes that i have learnt to read and also just talking to him and sharing my concerns." Aashairya smirked and made a mental note to tell her other sister-in-laws and of course her brother-in-laws. "Girl, i think your in love with him, in a relationship conversation is the best thing and you two have clearly had some good conversations." She smiled but then said "What about your brother.""What about my brother." "Well Aadarsh is really nice to but i'm not sure how i feel about him." "Look as far as i can see your feelings for Arjun are way more strong but if your still in doubt spend time with both and then that will guide you to who you should be with and to be honest i soooo ship you and Arjun."

The two laughed away and continued to talk until they  heard a big bang they looked at one another with big eyes as Aashairya said "Drau what the heck was that we are the only ones in the palace."

Just then a bunch of soldiers  ran in the room fussing like crazy  "Rajkumari we are under attack, these people are dressed in white and are wearing masks they have killed a good portion of our men." Just then the attackers destroyed the doors and started to attack She looked at them with wild eyes, the two were chased around as they were  practically running for their lives, Draupadi turned around and as he swung she sweeped down and got hold of his dagger which she used to stab him in the back like they say never turn your back on an enemy. About 5 men rushed forth as the rest chased her Babhi to be. Casting her gaze on the 5 men she hand to take them with out no weapon the first came hurdling towards her she grabbed his arm and twisted it in a unusual and painful position she then knocked him out and advanced on two men that came her way she jumped in the air as she kicked them both and slightly crushed there bones paralysing them she grabbed on to a sword that was lying around and quickly took the remaining two men out. She needed to control herself she didn't want to turn into Durga or Kali remembering how easy it was to get lost in them. Her knuckles were covered in blood and unfortunately it was hers just then one soldier ran up and slit a bit of her lower arm she growled like a lioness and sprung to kill him. She looked around to see her Babhi struggling they were advancing on Aashairya since she was weak Draupadi ran in blocking their way she signalled them to come at her as she slayed the remaining men that were trying to kill them. She looked at Aashairya and grabbed her and then took of. They made there way into the corridor and they saw a huge amount of soldiers. No where was safe Draupadi took a few men but there attacks weren't ordinary the way they were attacking wasn't normal. As she was distracted someone came up and stabbed her in the stomach, she winced in pain and muffled a scream of pain, turning around she kicked their asses.

They made their way to the gates of the Kingdom when Draupadi panting said "Aashairya Di go g-get help tell them what's going on." "But Drau your bleeding out and there are too many of them come with me." "And risk everyone else's life, if i leave they will come after us and then attack us all. Just go i'll cover you." Aashairya looked around and then back at her beloved sister-in-law she wished she learnt how to fight, she nodded her head and Draupadi said "Okay on the count of three i'll run and you slip out okay but wait for my signal." She nodded as Draupadi muttered "1.....2.................3." She ran out and kicked some ass she killed , she striked, she was getting into pretty bad shape as well but giving up was not an option she signalled Aashairya to run as she covered her Babhi. Just as she reached the gates three men advanced forth and crashed their swords down only to be stopped by her own she pushed them all back her strength over powering. Aashairya looked Draupadi she had tears in her eyes she was bleeding out as she was attacked over and over again. Draupadi turned around to see her Babhi  in tears she shouted "GO."  Just then some one attacked her from behind pulling her down she quickly ended him  as Aashairya breathed a sigh of relief and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

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