Part Fifty-Three

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The trip back to Panchal was fairly quick, she couldn't wait to be reunited with her family but a feeling that something bad was going to happen loomed around her mind constantly causing a severe headache. She rubbed the side of her head as her guru caught on and asked what was wrong but she simply waved him of and he knew not to press further into the matter.

They weren't far now it was just a few minutes away but her nerves were getting to her, she didn't even no what to do her hands were shaking, how was she supposed to face him? Finally after a mental battle with herself she just decided to avoid him-yeah that would be for the best.

*20 minutes later*
She mounted of her horse and stood in front of her home, the confidence was draining out of her as the colour on her face drained. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing before ascending the steps, she led her guru to the royal court room where everyone was standing, but presently they were all doing a pooja and had their backs towards her.

She was home.

She smiled. As she was about to put her foot down and step in she stopped. The pooja was finished within a few seconds. "Ma!" She called. They instantly turned at the sound of her voice. She looked at them all nothing changed about them, she turned as she caught his eye she smiled at him and mentally slapped herself for doing that but she then noticed his hand clasped around... Subhadra's. She instantly felt a dagger go through her heart. She turned her gaze away from his pleading one.

Her gaze landed on Sagrika her other mother she smiled at her but it quickly fell as she saw sera coming behind her with a vase. "Ma!!!" But Sagrika not understanding just smiled, Draupadi had started to run forward but sera had beaten her to it and smashed the vase on her head causing Sagrika to hiss out in pain and tilt to drop. Draupadi ran and caught her mother as she dropped to the floor with her. "No no no Ma come on stay with me!" The blood was oozing on to Draupadi whilst everyone else seemed to be in a daze until Draupadi's commanding voice brought them back "get me towels stat!" Draupad signalled a daasi's to go and as she returned Draupadi snatched the towels and placed pressure on the back of her mothers head, her hands were now covered in Sagrika's blood "Putri leave it, I'm dying." "No, Ma you can't leave us." "Putri remember one thing when it is your time to go,you have to go- be strong my dear be the Shakti of this family and promise me you won't let them fall, and promise that you will always be there for them." Tears were falling like a waterfall. "Promise me!" Draupadi  couldn't find the right words "Putri please." Draupadi looked at her mother "I promise." And just as she said those words her mother, the fifth wife of the King of Panchal drew her last breath not before caressing Draupadi's face- her hand went limp and fell to her side yet her eyes were open. Hysterical cries were herd as Draupadi closed her mother's eyes forever. She gently placed her head on the floor after creating pillows from the towels. But the pain was to much to deal with,she screamed "MA!" And the pain was evident with every call as she tried to wake her mother up, the ladies who  seemed to have processed everything were mourning around Draupadi, but her tears had stopped her remaining mothers and of course her sisters were crying into her. The men who were standing behind the finally understood and the tears began descending their face-Draupad fell to the floor as Guru Drona and Bhisma were at his side trying to console him. Draupadi stood up, she was covered with blood she didn't know what to do; she slowly retreated backwards, sobs raking through her body she turned around as her youngest sibling began shouting in sheer pain over the loss they had just faced, her hand went over her mouth as she came to realise their was blood all over hands she tried to rub it of on her dress but it stayed present like a second skin, everyone had their eyes trained on her but weren't expecting what would happen next. Draupadi dropped to the floor as two strong arms held her against his chest. Arjun. Despite getting envious looks from Subhdra he knew she need the the comfort, Krishna then crouched down and shiv and Vishnu comforted the emotional adishakti as she mourned the loss, after a few seconds she was done she wiped her tears and began comforting her family. Why does she do this? Thought Arjun. Once again she is hiding her pain. He shook his head as the family practically held on to Draupadi for dear life.

She soothed their pains one by one but Dakshi couldn't take it she ran out of the royal court - draupadi looked towards her mothers asking permission who nodded and she ran after her little sister, Arjun, Krishna, Dhrist, Sadashiv, Abhay, Kamalkar, Ambarish, Samarthya followed by Aashairya followed after Draupadi who had just reached the doors of her sisters chamber "Dakshi open the door!" "Dakshi Please, Dakshi...Dakshi... Come on open the door." Everyone was now trying to get the younger one to open up and finally they heard a muffled voice "I want Draupadi Di and Arjun Bhai." Hearing this they all looked at the two giving them smiles before leaving.  "Okay Dakshi me and your Bhai are here please open the door." and just as the doors opened Draupadi felt two hands clasp her waist she hugged her back as her sister cried into her side-sneaking a glance at Arjun she noticed his eyes were on her.

They waited until she calmed down and Arjun picked her up and laid her on her bed as Arjun and Draupadi were on the sides after a few minutes Dakshi breathing evened out as she had fallen asleep. Draupadi and Arjun stayed a bit longer before leaving. She walked out in haste but Arjun caught up and pushed her into a wall;after sharing an intense eye lock Draupadi asked harshly "what do you want." "I'm sorry I know this is going to hurt you more but  I have to-" he took a breath "I'm with Subhdra, we have been going out since you left and I didn't want to tell you like this, And... And believe me I didn't want to to hurt you!" "Believe you!" Shrieked Draupadi "everything you ever said to me was a lie, you claimed to love me and then the minute  I leave you find someone else, what happened to all those promise you made, is this what you do bring peoples hopes up only to knock them back down and then you have the nerve to ask me to believe you! I hate you- and I hate you so much because I still love you and I hate myself for it." She shoved his chest "I love you so much I can't breathe and it hurts;it hurts so much I just want to give up. Just say you never loved me." "Krishnaa." "No stop, you don't need to fix me okay cause I'm not broken I'm just me okay?" "Krishnaa.""No this needs to stop, you wanna know what I feel; all I feel is pain and it's suffocating me and I  just wish I couldn't feel a damn thing, you've made me feel like I'm never going to be happy but one things for sure I definitely hate you Rajkumar Arjun and I'm going to enjoy hating you." The tears had started up again she pushed him and walked away but as she was she noticed all her brother including Krishna ,her sisters along with her Babhi and the pandavs  hiding she looked at them and shook her head "And you guys can come out now." She looked at Arjun "everything's done. Finished." She ran towards her room in a haste.

Hey guys I know this was a high voltage of drama chapter I hope you liked it:) please let me know what you think in the comment section below it will make me happy and please if you think it's worth it please vote !!!! Love ya guys lots!!!!!

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