Part Eighty-Two

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 It had been less than an hour since the training practice finished and everyone went to eat. Draupadi had made an escape plan and successfully left without anyone noticing or so she thought. Arjun was carrying a thali full of food to where he knew his lover would be. As he continued to walk he found her looking over battle plans with her back to him. He set down the food and stalked over to her as quietly as he could. She still hadn't bothered to acknowledge his presence. He wrapped his arms around her but she refused to turn to look at Arjun "Arjun leave i have a lot of work that i need to do." She ripped his arms from her and walked over to the other side of the room, he took quick strands to where she was and aggressively pulled her to him. She looked up at him as his gaze wandered down to her hand the had blood oozing out he grabbed hold of her hand instantly bandaging it up with a piece of cloth he had ripped. She looked at him as he show undying care for her. Once he was done she wretched her hand from his grip and turned around Arjun studied her thoughts and realised that she was angry because of that girl. "You feel jealous and now i'm telling you, you have no reason to be jealous i'm your now and forever." He then kissed her with unlimited passion.  

It had been about a month since things had been even more hectic than usually the war was to start to today and the atmosphere surrounding the camp was horrible, families sat outside together enjoying the warmth that the sun was providing before the coldness of the war engulfed the soldiers. Draupadi stood up on a cliff looking down at he friends and the villagers who became like family she didn't one anyone to get hurt but in war these things happen. Her nightmares didn't seem to help there what's so ever she would end up waking up and screaming her guts out due to the horrors that played in her mind like a broken record;her dreams seemed to consist of her being the only one in the battle field surrounded by dead bodies but out of nowhere Arjun would be standing a smiling and then the worst thing would happen a sword would be plunged into him as she watched in sheer horror, she would try to stop the bleeding, she would try her utmost best to heal him but nothing would  work and she would just sit there wailing as she cried her heart out. 

She closed her eyes a took a shaky breath as if she was about to cry. Arjun walked up from behind her wrapping his arms around her petite waist. She didn't bother to open her eyes, she knew that Arjun could feel the pain her heart was going through and right now she needed him. An image flashed through her mind of him covered in his own blood as she choked on her sobs, she opened her eyes frantically before spinning around and burying her head into his chest. He knew she needed to let all out because if she didn't she wouldn't be able to fight in this up coming war. He hugged her tightly as she snuggled into his deep embrace. "You know Krishnaa this is the first war were fighting on the same side." He could feel the corners of her mouth pick up against his skin. Eventually the two decided it was time to go as Arjun bent down as she climbed on to his back as he ran with her on top of him for a few more hours they were just kids messing around and having fun.

*Two hours Later*

Everyone had taken their positions on the gruesome battlefield, Arjun and Draupadi were positioned right next to each other besides Krishna, Satya, Raj and Diya. Across the battlefield Kajri and Kairav were standing closely by one another as Kairav sent lustful looks towards Draupadi. Arjun felt his protective mode on and plus her brothers would probably kill him if he let anything happen to her, he pulled Draupadi onto his chest wrapping an arm around her waist. She shook her head before mumbling "I can take care of myself." Arjun smirked replying "i know you can but i'm not taking any chances and plus your brothers would be after my head if i let anything happen to you." Draupadi bit back a laugh as she smiled over at him. 

Just then the horn signalling the start of the war sounded she stood on her tip toes planting a kiss on Arjun's cheek before screaming "ATTACK." With that all hell broke loose as arrows flew everywhere and clashing of swords rang in your ears. Draupadi closed her eyes and stretched out her hand as her fire bow took place in her hand she released over a thousand arrows along side Arjun which instantly killed half of the opposing sides army. She smirked over at him and jumped into the heat of battle her sword of fire slashing through the mob of an army. Over her shoulder she saw Diya struggling to take down three men who where advancing towards her. Draupadi took out her dagger throwing it as it hit all three men in one go, Diya flashed her a smile as the two girls ran up to one another "Thanks Drau." "No problem Diya stay sake okay." "Will do." The two girls embraced one another as Satya ran up to them with about 14 men running after them. The three girls took a stance and instantly began fighting of the 14 men, they moved in sync in a stealthy way. Arjun, Krishna and Raj stopped to admire the girls as they all mumbled 'wow'. Three men where left and where on the floor the girls looked at one another an in one movement the  men where dead. they turned around rubbing the blood on their faces as Krishna let out a startled scream before jumping into Arjun's arms, Raj burst out laughing. The girls quickly shared a group hug before going of into different directions.

Out of no where a dagger pierced through Draupadi side earning a struggled scream as she crashed to the floor. She rolled over looking up to Kajri stalking up towards her, she inwardly groaned and picked herself of the floor she wiped her mouth and touched her side to find her hand covered in blood, she wiped her hand on her clothes as Kajri walked up to her, she whacked Draupadi's legs sending her to meet the ground yep the ground just needed a hug totally. Kajri walked up to her and stuck her finger into Draupadi's wound causing her to scream her lungs out. She groaned out again before grabbing onto Kajri's wrist twisting it back and round house kicking her to the ground. Draupadi stood up grabbing a free sword and the two girls broke out into a vicious fight. Kajri knew there was no way she could take Draupadi down so decided to hurt emotionally than physically. "You Know Draupadi Arjun is definitely a ladies man, honestly he is the only man that has kissed me with so much passion and didn't he tell you that we meet up all the time its fun and its nice to call him mine." Draupadi shook her head in disgust there is no way in hell Arjun would do that but part of her was starting to believe her. Kajri noticing that swung her sword creating a nasty gash on her stomach and shoulder. Draupadi was brought back into reality and began to rolled over missing her vicious attacks. Out of nowhere an arrow flew through the air landing in front of Kajri tying her up and blasting her half across the battle field Draupadi looked up to see Arjun standing there smiling she pushed herself up of the floor releasing a moan of pain he ran up to her but she pushed him back before saying "I didn't need your help i was fine." Just the a horn signalled the end of the first day of battle. Arjun and Draupadi looked at one another before she walked a way back to camp limping in pain. 

Hey guys sorry for the delay on this chapter i kinda had a writers block and plus i was busy with school i hope you guys like this please do comment and let me know your thoughts as they are always welcomed. Please vote to thanks a million and stay tuned for the next update. Love u guys!!!!!!!!!

 Love u guys!!!!!!!!!

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