Chapter 3~CHI-YUN'S POV~A warm Wednesday afternoon in late July.

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Skip to 0:07 and stop to 7:49. When I gave this asterisk (*) you'll start the music. If I give two asterisks (**) repeat it one more time.


I looked at the time of the big clock, hanging on the wall. It says that it's 3:15 in the afternoon. I was sitting in a comfy, navy blue bench, waiting for the boarding call. The airport as like a sea of faces moving in an unseen current, flowing like water to their destinations like a wide river down the aisles. Small groups would sometimes stop and cause a small eddy, but the others would flow around the outside and continue on their way. There were plasma screens of arrival and departure times on the wall of the airport. People were lined up at the check in desk with suitcases and baggage.

There was a sculpture of a whale with water cascading from its mouth and flowing down its tail flukes. In the background soft classical music played. In the arrivals lounge, there was a curious mixture of bored and excited people. Some looked like they were waiting for a bus, others like they were children waiting to get picked up by the school bus. Some lounged on the low comfy chairs and others bounced on their toes.

Who knew my journey would end soon? I walked with my luggage checking my passport once or twice. The steps that I took forward on those sleek silvery tiles of the airport terminal were trembling but I knew I had to move forward, leaving behind all the memories that had been attached to me - since my years in Los Angeles. All those around had their inner emotion portrayed on their faces.

Then I heard a female PA speaker calling,

"flight 1495 to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding."

I looked at my ticket and it said that from departing Los Angeles International Airport to Incheon International Aiport and flight 1495. I'm in. It was 3:30 in the afternoon. I stood up from the chair, walked towards a middle-aged lady and I gave my ticket to her.

"Have a nice trip." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

I went to a small, gray hallway connecting to the plane's door. I got into the plane and there's both sides of paired seats, making a narrow aisle. I went on the right side, next to the airplane's window. I opened the overhead locker to secure my two white suitcases. Then, I sat on the seat next to window, so I could see the beautiful clouds when they'll prepare for takeoff. I'm curious about what the sky looks like when this plane goes up.

"Welcome aboard flight 1495 to Seoul." The flight attendant smiled, who was wearing a blue dress with a red bow.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Are you excited to go to Korea?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous at the same time. I was born and raised in Seoul, then I moved to Los Angeles after graduation in high school, for studying medical classes." I told her.

"You're studying to become a doctor, aren't you?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Wow, so you're coming back home, you know spending time with your family there?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I miss them though." I spoke.

"Well, I wish you to have a nice time out there." She spoke.

"Thank you." I smiled and she walked away.

She is really a nice young woman, kind of like my age.

I opened the zipper of my silver purse, and picked my iPhone, connected by my pair of earphones. I closed the zipper in, and I looked out of the window. I was just seeing the horizon of grassy fields of Los Angeles. I turned my iPhone on, made my passcode and went into 'Settings' to turn on the 'Airplane Mode'. I turned it off and fastened my seat belt. About a half an hour later, nervousness consumes me when I heard the click of the seat belt and the pilot spoke,

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