Chapter 39~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Thursday afternoon in mid September.

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Dae-young and Myung-joo were in the fields of Urk, while others soldiers made a caution zone in the mine field. Dae-young was standing behind the army jeep; probably he was looking at the beautiful view. Or maybe he was thinking deeply about something else. Suddenly, Myung-joo walked in the mine area. While he looked at her, his mind was echoed by her father's words.

"I won't have a sergeant major as a son-in-law. Quit being a soldier and go work for the company owned by her mother's side. Think about this until your overseas discharge is over. You must come back to Korea with a decision." His words spoke in Dae-young's mind.

He stepped down from the jeep's hatchback to the ground. Myung-joo walked past the area towards him.

"You really don't listen to me, do you? I already told you to wait in the safe zone because it's dangerous." Dae-young gently scolded.

Myung-joo rolled her eyes, thinking that he knows it all. She walked past him and sat down behind the truck.

"The safe zone is boring." Myung-joo sighed.

"Move two steps to your left and face forward." She commanded him.

However, he stood silent as if she was a bit crazy.

"You're ignoring my words nowadays. Face forward." She commanded him again.

He took two steps left, now facing towards Myung-joo.

"Take one step forward." She commanded as he stepped towards her.

She took a sunblock from her pocket, gently squeezes it until the cream came out in her hands. She dots it around his face which made Dae-young feel bashful and flustered.

"What--" Dae-young spoke but she kept touching his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm not asking for a reconciliation. I'm just touching you." Myung-joo spoke.

He then takes her hand to stop touching his face.

"People are watching." He warned.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed.

"Do you know that this is harsh treatment?" He asked.

"No. Is it harsh because I'm not a stewardess?" She teased.

Dae-young stood slient; his thumb stroked gently and looked up to her, deeply in her chocolate-colored eyes.

"It's because you're Lieutenant Yoon Myung-joo." Dae-young admitted.

Myung-joo seemed a little bit insecure because she knew that everyone else are looking at them.

"People are watching." Myung-joo urged.

But Dae-young pulled her in closer unexpectedly.

"I can win them all." Dae-young whispered.

Myung-joo knew that he's not joking. Her lips curled into a smirk and closed her eyes. Looks like she's ready for the kiss. They leaned slowly to each other; their lips were ready to close the gap between them. And finally, their lips met each other by a peck. But it took for seconds. Then, their kiss began to build up with passion, by gliding their lips gently, back and forth. He felt her hands placing on his shoulders; he took one of hers and placed on his fluttering heart. While she felt the fluttering pulses of his heart, they slowly broke the kiss apart to let her feel the pounding in his heart. They looked at each other with love and lust at the same time.

Back to UCLA, Han-yeol was in his and Nate's dorm. But he was alone, looking out of the window. But...he really wasn't looking. He was brooding very deeply about something. Was he thinking about his two cousins? Or was he thinking about his hidden love at Ivy? Millions of thoughts or imaginations could swirl around in his head. A flashback came into his mind; he began to remember the first day he came here as a new freshman.

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