Chapter 47~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Monday afternoon in late September.

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Chi-yun, Si-jin, Khalil and Fatima has arrived in the army base. Si-jin parked the car in front of the army building. Si-jin and Chi-yun walked out from the car. Chi-yun walked around and opened the back seat's door. She realized that the two kids were handcuffed.

"Hey, clench your fists tight. The handcuffs might freeze as ice and it will break all by itself." Chi-yun advised.

The two kids clenched their hands tightly. However, their clenched hands were trembling a little. Suddenly, the handcuffs began to freeze as ice. The two kids were a little bit afraid because of seeing themselves attempting the powers. But they knew that it was the first step to develop the kinetic powers. Then, the frozen handcuffs suddenly shattered, freeing their hands.

They were so amazed and excited at the same time. For them, it feels like it's their first time trying it all by themselves. Chi-yun smiled at them; the two kids walked out from the car. They walked behind Si-jin, who was about to enter the Medicube.

"Si-jin, wait for us, okay?" Chi-yun called.

"Okay." Si-jin nodded as he stood in the front of the Medicube.

The three walked towards him and they walked altogether in the Medicube. But after they walked in, silence had surrounded the whole room. No one's in here, except the empty beds. Chi-yun looked a little bit nervous.

"Is...anyone here?" She stammered a little.

"Chi-yun? Are you here?" Chi-hoon's voice called out.

"Where are you guys?" Chi-yun called back.

"We're in the room where we have meetings." Eun-hee voiced out.

"Come on." Chi-yun softly spoke.

Chi-yun, Si-jin and the two kids walked right and entered the room. There's Chi-hoon, Eun-hee, Min-ji, Ja-ae and Sang-hyun sitting together in the table. They looked at them.

"Oh, thank God the kids are okay." Min-ji spoke.

"But...where's Mo-yeon?" Ja-ae asked them.

"A gang led by an ex-soldier...had abducted her." Si-jin shuddered.

Right after Si-jin reported what happened, shockwaves of fear and disgust had impacted the medical team. But Chi-hoon might be the first one of wanting to fight back. Besides, he might a raging revenge attack...again.

"They did what to Mo-yeon?!" Chi-hoon nearly shouted, as he stood up from the table.

"That wretched black ram has taken our precious, little white lamb!" Chi-yun raised her voice with her gritted teeth (referring Argus).

The medical team was completely in shock about it. They don't know what to do but fear. Chi-hoon was angered; Eun-hee looked shocked but inside of her, she's not afraid enough to fight back.

"Who? That guy named Argus whose Si-jin's betrayer?" Sang-hyun asked.

"He is the one who'll be dead and buried." Chi-yun spoke.

"That guy seems more dangerous than any thief in this region." Ja-ae warned Chi-yun.

"Yeah, Chi-yun. You might stay away from him, because he can strike you easily in a split second." Sang-hyun warned.

"No, I can't." Chi-yun shook her head.

"We have fight that bastard back. Because you know what? I'm not afraid." She firmly demanded.

"Besides, we're planning a hostage rescue for Mo-yeon. No should be harmed by this." She spoke.

"If the Lieutenant Colonel is trying to stop us from planning this hostage rescue, I don't give a damn on him." She expressed.

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