Chapter 11~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Monday night in early September.

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Sang-hyun, Ja-ae, Min-ji, Eun-hee and Chi-hoon are sitting in the dinner table to eat bibimbap. Chi-hoon didn't know where Mo-yeon and Si-jin are at, neither his younger sister. However, he never wanted to eat bibimbap in a communal bowl Sang-hyun made; it's not sanitary for him and Eun-hee. But they have to anyway because they're hungry. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching towards them.

"Yorobun..." He heard Chi-yun's voice calling them.

They looked at her and she's with a poor boy, shorter than her. Chi-hoon was pretty sure that he lives here. He was carrying a loaf of bread in a plastic bag. Chi-hoon have no idea why she brought him here.

"I brought a guest with me. He's hungry, so can I bring him here for dinner?" Chi-yun spoke.

"Oh, sure you can." Sang-hyun accepted.

Chi-yun kneeled down to the boy, to whisper something in his ear. The boy smiled to her and they walked towards our table. He put the bread in the center of the table. She pulled the chair, he sat on the chair and she pushed back to the table. She sat in the table next to him. He reached the loaf of bread, trying to take the plastic bag off. He took it off and the bread stood on the table. He was quiet. Maybe he was shy. Sang-hyun cut the bread into slices with a knife, from end to end. Then, he served the bibimbap to each one of our plates. The boy seemed curious what kind of food was that.

"Chi-yun..." The little boy muttered to Chi-yun.

"Yeah?" She spoke.

"What's that?" He asked.

"That's bibimbap. It's like mixed rice and vegetables. They put an egg yolk in the middle of the plate." She explained.

"Oh." The boy realized what she's saying.

"All right. Dinner is served, everyone." Sang-hyun spoke as he sat his chair.

"Let's eat." He spoke and we began to eat.

The boy picked the spoon up to scoop some bibimbap, and took a slice of bread on his plate. Chi-hoon never knew he could do that as a poor boy, but glad the boy learned it from his family.

"So, what is your name, young man?" Sang-hyun asked the boy.

The boy stopped eating to introduce himself to them.

"My name is Khalil. I'm twelve years old and I live in the Urk region." He spoke.

"Oh. I thought you live in someplace else, no?" Ja-ae asked him.

"No, I live here for my whole life." He chuckled.

"Khalil, this is Dr. Song Sang-hyun; Nurses Ha Ja-ae and Choi Min-ji. This is my older brother Dr. Lee Chi-hoon and his girlfriend Dr. Jang Eun-hee. The other two are missing but they'll be back anyways." Chi-yun introduced him to each one of them.

The boy earned an innocent smile.

"Are you the medical team?" Khalil asked.

"Yes. We're part of the Haesung Hospital." Chi-yun spoke.

"Cool." He smiled.

"Yeodongsaeng, does he have a family here?" Chi-hoon asked her.

"Um..." Chi-yun paused to look at Khalil.

His sad, solemn face looked at Chi-yun. He tilted his head a little, meaning that she can tell the story behind him. He can see that Chi-yun's worried face, wondering what would them react about it.

"It's painful to say this, but...Khalil lost his family a long time ago." Chi-yun deeply sighed.

"How long was it since it happened?" She asked him.

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