Chapter 6 ~THIRD PERSON POV~ A Saturday night in late July.

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The wait is over.


Chi-yun, Chi-hoon and their two friends kept walking to find the chief's office. However, they saw the chief walking out of nowhere. He looks like he's in his 50s; he was wearing a white shirt with a gray tie, black pants and shoes. Did he had any problems of promising Mo-yeon for a promotion, Chi-yun thought.

"Jugi!" She called the chief.

"Where's Mo-yeon?" She firmly asked.

"She's at my office with Professor Eun-ji. I think they're busy talking." The chief spoke, but she didn't care.

"Ah, jinja? So why you have so many excuses of not promoting Mo-yeon for a job?" She angrily asked him but he didn't answer.

He tried to answer her, but it was too late because she knows that he's going to lie to her.

"If you're so smart, why don't you answer?" She angrily asked and pointed to the chief.

She scoffed and put her hands on her waist.

"I guess you have a secret affair with Eun-ji, huh? Just because you think that she's pretty for you. You're a favoritism for her. Why don't you treat Mo-yeon equal, you unfair, foolish man? You know what? I'm taking the risk to go to your office and I'm going to punch that wicked Eun-ji for good." She scolded and walked past the chief.

She left the chief speechless, had no idea how that a twenty-year-old woman could ever speak like that.

Chi-hoon, Sang-hyun and Ja-ae followed her like she's the leader. They walked straight ahead on the hallway, took to the right side and found the chief's office far ahead. The two siblings and the married couple rushed towards the office, to see if Mo-yeon needs some defense from them. Chi-yun lead into the chief's office; what she saw is Mo-yeon and Eun-ji (wearing a pale pink, dress shirt and tight black skirt that goes up to her waist), fighting by pulling each other's hairs.

"YA! Dodaeche mwohaneungeoya?" Chi-yun exclaimed and she rushed in between them to push them apart.

The other three rushed towards them, too. The chaos erupted the chief's office.

Chi-hoon and Ja-ae tried to pull Mo-yeon and Eun-ji apart. However, it was too much, but they kept trying. Sang-hyun rushed towards them too, but he stood there like he's lost.

"Ya, are you supposed to be doing that? Stop it! Stop it now!" Sang-hyun scolded everyone.

But they wouldn't stop. Chi-yun was still stuck between the two women. She suddenly felt the heat inside of her. She felt her lips trembling like she was about to explode. Burning rage hissed through her body like deathly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of unwanted violence. It was like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off her like ferocious waves. Suddenly, she screamed with anger and broke everyone apart with violence, sounding a boom. She was an explosion that her force made everyone flying back and knocked them out on the ground, including herself.

Everyone else in the building heard the boom but they didn't know where or what happened. Mo-yeon, Eun-ji, Chi-hoon, Ja-ae, and Chi-yun laid unconscious on the floor. Sang-hyun, however, stood frozen with his eyes closed against the wooden wall. Suddenly, Chi-hoon, Ja-ae, Mo-yeon, Eun-ji tried to get their feet up. Sang-hyun woke up and saw them getting up.

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