Chapter 96~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Saturday evening of late October.

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Chi-yun and Ki-bum were walking around the hospital, no matter which direction they go. However, after an hour later, they got a little bit tired. They walked one time through the second-floor corridor and they sat on the chairs in front of the huge glass windows. Ki-bum deeply sighed as if he could finally relax. Chi-yun looked back to the window, seeing the view of the city. The sky had turned into dark blue after the sun sets down; and the moon began to rise up from the horizons. The buildings were glittered with illuminated windows. Ki-bum glimpsed at Chi-yun looking at the view, then he took a look at it along with her.

"Wow, this view looks amazing." She was amazed.

"I know, right?" He chuckled, then took a glimpse at her and smiled more.

He looked back at the (almost) nighttime view of Seoul.

"Your parents are very nice yesterday. To be honest, I wasn't feeling ready to meet them. But when I get to, I felt relaxed and comfortable. Thanks for inviting me over, although it was originally Chi-hoon's idea." He admitted, ended up chuckling.

"Ne. I really trust my parents a lot. They're always supportive of me and Chi-hoon." She spoke.

"I'm glad to hear that though." Ki-bum spoke.

"Ne. I don't know how to say this but...I had a vision a while ago." She softly spoke.

"Jinjaeyo?" He asked.

"Ne. I imagined myself standing in the middle of the Medicube area. The medical team gathering up to help the patients. I saw the armed soldiers rushing past me and as I turned around, they were running in the ground zero area where the earthquake was hit. Then, it transitioned to my favorite place of Uruk: the wheat fields with the mountain behind. Who knows if we're going back to Uruk for the next five years? I don't know." She told about the vision.

"I don't know either, but I feel like going over there again." He admitted.

"I guess I'm a soldier already. I'm armed with kinetic powers since that day, even though I'm armed sometimes with a gun." She spoke.

Ki-bum's attention drew on what she just said. He realized that in the times of Urk, she was an undefeated warrior. And she still is.

"That's the thought that crossed your mind?" He asked.

"My mind was like debating if I should become a soldier or a doctor. But after the inside voice talked to me, I already decided to be a doctor. I'm already a warrior. I'm fighting." Her lips slowly turned into a smile.

He smiled along with her.

"I wish I could be like you." He admitted.

"For you, it's only the beginning." She spoke.

He nodded and looked down on his hands clasping each other.

"Hey, do you want to go to dal.komm with me? We can go buy something to eat." Ki-bum offered.

"Sure, why not?" She chuckled.

"Gaja." He smiled.

They stood up from the chairs and walked down to the first floor to go out.

In the illuminated streets under the dark night sky, Dae-young was standing in the sidewalk, waiting the traffic light turn into red. While waiting, he saw a familiar-looking woman standing across the street, though the cars passing by in front of her. Yes, it was Myung-joo, waiting for the cars to stop so she could cross the road.

They looked at each other but didn't say a word. They seemed puzzled why they're seeing each other. Is it fate that they'll be back together again? Who knows? Ignoring the sounds of chatter and footsteps, they slowly enter their own world by just staring at each other.

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