Chapter 79~THIRD PERSON POV~A Friday evening in mid October.

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Chi-yun decided to take a day off today with Khalil ad Fatima. However, they arrived in the hospital anyways, because the kids wanted to keep exploring around Haesung Hospital. She spent some time talking to them of how her life went before and after her incident in the hospital. Before the incident, her life was just school, family and friends. When she came to Los Angeles to study, she felt that her life began to change little by little. But after the incident, everything changes dramatically. She told them that she felt herself changing, but the mission of Uruk changed her completely. She asked them with this question:

"How do you feel before and after the powerful change you had in the earthquake?"

She told them not to answer right away but think about it.

Now, Chi-yun and the two kids are in the elevator, waiting to get in the first floor. They have their sweaters on, because outside was going to be a little bit chilly. They saw the numbers going up and down. The number dinged when it went to fifth. It automatically opened the door, revealing the chairman and his assistant, carrying a binder.

"The door is opening." His assistant spoke as he and the chairman entered in.

Now Chi-yun and the two kids were behind them.

"How is Doctor Kang? Is she still struggling in the ER?" He flatly asked.

"No. She's actually very cheery." His assistant complimented.

"Are you sending her flowers every day?"

"She returns every delivery. Thanks to her, my office smells very nice." His assistant smiled.

"Have you found out about her boyfriend?"

Chi-yun heard the conversation very closely.

"That's what I find strange. My army friend can't find out much about him. I only found out that he's in Special Forces." His assistant admitted.

He opened his binder and took out a photo of the medical team before leaving from Uruk.

"But I got my hands on a photo. Here you go." He showed it to Suk-won.

Chi-yun sneaked in to see the photo.

"Are you kidding me? Which one is he?" Suk-won demanded.

"What? You little..." He angered, scaring his assistant.

"It's this person. He's Dr. Kang's boyfriend. Born in '85. His name is Yoo Si-jin. He's the captain of the Korean Army. He's a Pisces and his blood type is A." Chi-yun pointed at Si-jin saluting in the photo.

"I see. It's this person." Suk-won flatly spoke.

"But where is that person?" His assistant asked.

"He's my friend. But I haven't seen him, so I'll be off." Chi-yun smiled.

"Come on." She motioned the two kids and walked out from the elevator.

Suk-won and his assistant began to follow them.

"Wait a minute." Suk-won called but the elevator nearly smashed his arm.

"Ouch. My gosh." He grumbled.

Chi-yun and the two kids stopped and turned around, looking confused what was going on with Suk-won.

"Look here. I have to talk to you." Suk-won demanded her.

"Then I'll leave you two talk." His assistant nervously spoke and walked away.

Chi-yun looked more confused at Suk-won; he, however, looked annoyed about Mo-yeon's new boyfriend.

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