Chapter 56~THIRD-PERSON'S POV~A Thursday midnight in late September.

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All right. Time to cool off now. While I'm writing this chapter, I cracked up so hard and found it funny. I don't know about you guys, but I hope this chapter make you laugh.


Khalil and Fatima were sleeping together in their own bed. Fatima was wearing her white top and white denim shorts. Khalil was shirtless but with white pants on. Suddenly, a dream came out in his mind.

In his dream, he was standing in the middle of a dark hallway of the building, illuminated by the moonlight. His upper body was slowly turning from boy to a young man. His defined collarbones shone from the moonlight. The silhouette of his thin arms were outlined in blue by the moonlight. He wandered around the hallway a little in barefooted. But suddenly, he nearly stepped on something. He found a red rose petal on the floor and picked it up. Then, he heard noises from the other room. Step by step to the door, Khalil's heart began to pound harder. He gently pressed his ear against the door, hearing what was going on. Shaky breaths and smooching noises was all that he heard, but he heard it something else.

"We are becoming in one." A female voice whispered which sounds like Eun-hee.

"The survival of our love depends on us." A male voice whispered which sounds like Chi-hoon.

But Khalil still didn't notice who are the pair whispering to each other. Then, he heard heavy breathing and panting coming out from the door.

"Jagiya..." Chi-hoon's whisper echoed.

Khalil's heart was beating fast; his blood ran cold. Goosebumps popped out from his bare skin and he shuddered because he had some chills. He backed away from the door and quietly ran back to his and Fatima's bedroom. He walked in the bedroom and quietly closed the door. He crawled on the bed and placed his arms on her waist. He stared at her peaceful, sleeping face. His fingers caressed gently on her beautiful facial features. He wanted to keep caressing it but drowsiness had hit his eyes. Little by little, he had fallen into a deep sleep. The dream had gone away from his mind.

About hours later, the sun rose up from the horizon. They sky turned from pitch black to sky blue. Chi-yun was sleeping on her own bed. As the sun shone on her closed eyes, she clenched them shut by the infinite brightness of the sun. She slowly opened her glowing, silver eyes. She slowly sat up and stretched her toned arms up to get her veins flowing. Her brown hair was braided on the side in French style. She unbraided her hair and it left her long hair wavy. She stood up from the bed; her dress with cape was neat as always. She fixed her pillows on the bed, folded her gray blanket nicely in the lower edge of the bed.

"There. Looking very neat, huh?" Chi-yun spoke to herself.

"All right." She sighed and dusted her hands.

She walked out from her room and closed the door. Before she gets the chance to walk down the hallway, she saw Chi-hoon and Eun-hee's room door in front of her half open. She opened it and found her room a bit messy.

"Aigoo, it looked a little bit messy." Chi-yun muttered.

"Never mind, I'll clean up this up." She shrugged her shoulders.

She picked the white blanket and folded it nicely on the lower edge of the bed. Then, she fixed the pillows, all nicely stacked up.

"There. All set." Chi-yun spoke.

But suddenly, she stepped something behind her. She looked down and it was a white shirt and a pink blouse on the floor. She furrowed her eyebrows with confusion. She picked them up; she then realized that the pink blouse was Eun-hee's. A flashback came into her mind was when she saw her in the meeting before leaving. After then, she realized that the white shirt belonged to Chi-hoon.

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