Chapter 54~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Wednesday afternoon in late September.

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In Ivy's dorm in UCLA Apartment, Anna Grace just finished styling Ivy's hair with her curling iron. Ivy's hair is wavy and untangled. She was sitting on a white chair in front of the bed.

"There. Perfect." Anna Grace smiled.

Ivy reached towards the mirror on the drawer and picked it up. She looked her face and hair on the mirror. She raised her eyebrows a little, impressed of Anna Grace's hairstyling skills.

"What do you think?" Anna Grace asked.

"I love it." Ivy chuckled as she stroked her hair gently.

Anna Grace chuckled.

"I'm going to put a bit of makeup on you, ok?" She spoke.

Ivy nodded.

While Anna Grace went to look for makeup, Ivy began to think about Han-yeol. She remembered her good times with him, including when he gave her massages on her shoulders. She might not know if Han-yeol have something on her.

"Anna Grace..." Ivy called.

"Yes?" Anna Grace called back.

"Did you know that Han-yeol sent me a message yesterday?" Ivy asked.

"I did. He told me. Why?" Anna Grace spoke.

Ivy might not know how to explain this but she'll answer it anyway.

"Do you think that Han-yeol...has something on me?" Ivy asked.

"Why would you ask that?" Anna Grace gently asked.

Ivy shook her head.

"I don't know. It just came out from my head." Ivy spoke.

Anna Grace just smiled.

"I understand." Anna Grace spoke; she carried a black makeup box and placed on the side table drawer.

"But who knows? Maybe either of you have feelings at each other unexpectedly. Or not. If you have a feeling that's more than a friendship...let it all out. I told the same to Han-yeol, too." Anna Grace told.

Ivy nodded.

Anna Grace sat in front of Ivy. She opened the makeup box; it was a pallete. It's full of different colors, shape and size. Along with it, there were brushes in different sizes, a bottle of mascara and different shades of lip pencils. Ivy seemed surprised of seeing a lot of makeup palletes in the box.

"I know it looks too much but I'm going to make it simple, ok?" Anna Grace spoke.

Ivy nodded.

Anna Grace picked the thick brush and tinted with light powder. She gently applied it on her face. Ivy closed her eyes when Anna Grace was about to apply it in her eyelids. Her face was now chalked with white powder, hiding her flaws. Then, Anna Grace picked the eyeliner to line around Ivy's blue eyes. Ivy looked up as Anna Grace was about to apply it on the outer lid. Anna Grace applied it gently; it doesn't look too much or little. It's just right.

Ivy closed her eyes and Anna Grace applied it on her inner eyelid. She winged it up a little in her eye corners. After that, she picked a small bottle of mascara to flare her eyelashes up. It's like brushing your hair but easier. Then, she used the pink blush powder to color her cheekbones a little. Ivy sucked her cheeks a little, so it was easy for Anna Grace to apply it. Ivy felt that time had flied fast when Anna Grace just finished applying makeup.

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