Chapter 77~THIRD PERSON POV~A Tuesday evening in early October.

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After having fun in the park, the Lee family, Eun-hee, Khalil and Fatima went to their home. They all walked into the door and smelled the breath of fresh autumn air in the living room. The siblings and their friends realized that the air freshener was plugged in, next to the illuminating lamp stand. While they walked in the living room, Chi-hoon have something in mind he wanted to talk to his sister.

"Chi-yun..." He called and she turned to look at him.

"There's something in mind that I wanted to talk you." He spoke.

She stood quiet but nodded.

Minutes later, the siblings were sitting together in a front stairway to their house. The bluish clouds blanketed the skies, making the streets look a little bit of blue hue. They stood silent, letting their inner voices speak from their minds to hearts. Everything surrounding them was quiet except the praises from the birds, squirrels and leaves rustling from the trees by the wind. But it doesn't bother them. When the wind began to blow, the trees' branches swaying side by side. It's like they're raising their hands up to praise the Creator who made the perfect artwork of nature.

Their hairs flowed a little from the breeze. Chi-hoon deeply sighed as if he was ready to break the silence. Now they let inner voices finish before starting a conversation.

"Chi-yun...I know that tomorrow we'll be going back to work. Since the beginning of this break till today, I have learned a lesson." Chi-hoon told and she looked at him.

"I've learned that every time I get stressed, frustrated or angry too much at some point or devours my consciousness. Anger is like alcohol; it intoxicates me. It takes away my five senses. It made me act like I don't know what the heck was I doing. And then when it was time I couldn't remember what just happened.

The next time I did, but was still drunk with anger. Then, I decided to have a break to forget all about it. I guess I've used this time well to do that. Even though I still remember what happened that time, it was a lesson I have learned. Now I won't let the world change my smile...because my smile... changes the world. I'll let everyone else in Haesung Hospital know that I'm okay after the incident. Does that make you feel better hearing that?" Chi-hoon told everything while Chi-yun's lips crept in a smile.

"I totally agree what you said, oppa. I told it once to Khalil and Fatima that the numerous times we've the numerous times we've gotten up. So, no matter how many mistakes we made, we'll just keep going stronger. There's a quote I learned from UCLA that I'm going to take it by heart from now on is this:

'Good times become good memories and bad times become good lessons'.

Yesterday is a dark shadow behind us, us standing here and the road in front of us is our future. We'll have circumstances ahead, but victories are waiting for us also." Chi-yun spoke.

"What's best for us is that bitchy Eun-ji won't be at the hospital in the next two weeks." Chi-yun muttered with a smirk.

Chi-hoon snickered as if he realized that Eun-ji won't come until the next two weeks.

"Heck yeah, girl." He smiled.

"Hey, if Eun-ji comes, we're just going to ignore her." She spoke.

"Ne. But what if she tries to humiliate us? Should we just smile at her like we know better than she 'knows'? I mean, our smiles could give her a slap in the face. Like I said a while ago, there's no way that the world can change our smiles." Chi-hoon spoke.

"Right. Well, we'll just see how it happens after our break." Chi-yun spoke.

"Chi-yun! There's someone would like to talk to you." Joon-geum called.

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