Chapter 30~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Sunday night in early September.

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(This video above) Skip to 0:07 and stop to 7:49. When I give this asterisk (*) you'll start the music and when it finishes the music, stop.


In the upper room in the army building, Daniel fixed a soundboard as a broadcasting system. Mo-yeon was standing next to the soundboard, ready to put music.

"Checking the microphone. Check 1,2. Check 1,2,3." Daniel spoke on the microphone as if he was testing the sound quality of the system.

Mo-yeon was surprised that he can really fix anything.

"Wow, Daniel. You really fixed it." She chuckled.

"This is how I treat my patients. Music changes a lot of things." He spoke.

"True. Music makes us feel alive." Mo-yeon smiled; she took her gold Samsung Galaxy phone out of her light olive shorts' pocket.

"I'll choose the music." Mo-yeon spoke while trying to find a playist to soothe and relax everyone else.

"Sounds great." Daniel smiled.

*Mo-yeon plugs her cell to play the music from the playlist. It started playing one of her favorite piano tracks, "Divenire (Becoming)" by Ludovico Einaudi, in the soundboard. All the patients, doctors and soldiers listened the piano track in the clinic; they felt so alive and motivated. Chi-yun and the two kids were wandering around the army base. However, Chi-yun stopped walking as she began to hear the piano track which sounded familiar for her before. The two kids stopped walking with her, wondering what kind of music captured her attention. Chi-yun kept hearing and started laughing with amazement. Yes, it was the same piano track she heard when she was taking flight from Los Angeles to Seoul, and a dance performance during her high school years.

"Wow, I didn't know Mo-yeon loved that piano track." Chi-yun chuckled.

"You're loving it?" She asked them.

"We never heard this, but it sounds beautiful." Khalil spoke.

Chi-yun sighed.

"It reminds me years ago. In those years at Seoul, I watched a dance performance along this music. It was beautiful. I heard it once again when I was taking a flight from Los Angeles to Seoul. It made me think about my loved ones, from Los Angeles to Seoul." She told.

" you dance?" Fatima asked.

It made her giggle.

"Well... I could try." She nervously spoke.

They smiled; Chi-yun strutted backwards following the rhythm of the music. Then, she stopped, prepared for the dancing of the music. She deeply inhaled and exhaled; she opened her palms at distance, forming a flashing star. She lowered her arms and the flashing star faded away. She stood for seconds; she outstretched her left arm wide and the flashing star came back below her arm. Then, she lowered arm and the star faded away again. She stood still again for seconds. She outstretched both arms wide and two flashing stars appeared below her arms. Then, they disappeared. The two kids were still amazed; she suddenly formed the flashing star in her palms. She raised her arms, divided the star into two and handed over the kids. She formed one more by herself. The two kids were more than amazed.

" are we going to do that?" Khalil chuckled.

"Watch what I do." Chi-yun smiled.

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