Chapter 36~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Tuesday afternoon in early September.

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Si-jin got no time to waste. Not even Chi-yun. However, Argus had already seen Si-jin's car in the village. Mo-yeon heard Argus' black car arriving while she's tending the sick children; the children ran away from it. Curiosity swirls around her of what's going on here. She looked around and saw the car's door opening. Argus came out from the car; she wondered if he's in charge in this village. Mo-yeon approached to him.

"Are you their guardian?" Mo-yeon asked.

"Oh, we have a guest." Argus smiled.

"I'm a doctor from Korea." She introduced herself.

"Some children here have measles. Can I take them to the field hospital?" She asked.

"You're too beautiful to be doing something good like this." Argus chuckled.

Suddenly, Si-jin skidded to a stop between them, shielding Mo-yeon from Argus.

"Stay behind me." Si-jin spoke.

Mo-yeon seemed curious what was going on between them. She knows the name Argus but does not know what he looks like. Chi-yun, Khalil and Fatima rushed behind Mo-yeon and Si-jin; she looked back at them.

"You guys know him?" She asked Si-jin and Chi-yun.

"He's Si-jin's betrayer. The Private Ryan." Chi-yun spoke.

"Argus?" Mo-yeon thought.

While Mo-yeon flashes back of a funeral where Si-jin was, Chi-yun looks back at the two kids who were right behind her.

"Fatima..." Chi-yun softly called her.

"Get my gun. It's in my purse." She ordered.

Fatima unzipped Chi-yun's silver purse and saw a silver gun in there. She was shocked, not knowing that Chi-yun got a gun. She carefully picked it out and no one was seeing.

"Shoot him...but don't kill him. It will be my turn to kill him one day." She softly spoke.

"Snap your fingers once to turn yourself invisible." She softly spoke.

Fatima nodded as she snapped her fingers once, and suddenly became invisible. Fatima can see what was going on now, even when she's invisible. She ran towards Si-jin's car and pointed the gun behind Argus.

"I think I have the advantage this time, Big Boss." Argus spoke to Si-jin with an evil smirk.

"Now." Fatima thought.

She pulled the trigger and shot Argus in his side. He fell down on the ground and his side began to bleed. Khalil covered his ears because of the ringing sound of a gunshot. Si-jin pulls his gun out but there was no one behind him. He could not believe if an invisible person could shoot him.

"Who the heck shot him?" Si-jin asked.

"It's Fatima. Although you can't see her, she's invisible." Chi-yun whispered.

But in an instant, Fatima became visible again by snapping her fingers twice. She felt shaken, ran towards Si-jin and handed the gun back to Chi-yun. Mo-yeon seemed paralyzed of seeing him on ground, bleeding.

"Boss." Argus groaned.

Khalil was desperate in Chi-yun's arms, not wanting to die.

"Hurry up, let's leave now. This is our last chance!" Khalil urged.

Argus' man pointed his own gun at Si-jin. But Si-jin stops him by pointing his own gun at him.

"Freeze, don't move!" He scolded at the man.

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