Chapter 73~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Wednesday afternoon in early October.

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Chi-yun doesn't care if she dropped her Gucci shopping bag, leaving the two kids shocked. But anyways, Khalil carried Chi-yun's bag; he and Fatima rushed along Chi-yun. Chi-yun saw a teenage girl, probably about fifteen years old; she was in another girl's arms. Chi-yun had rushed towards the two girls to help. The teenage girl was sitting on the ground, shaking and unconscious. The people around her seemed shocked and scared of seeing all the commotion.

"Give me your sweater." Chi-yun told the other girl.

The other girl took her gray sweater off, curled it up like a big ball and left it on the ground.

"Leave her here." She demanded the other girl, guiding her gently on the floor.

"Everyone, stand back! There's a seizure attack! We don't want anyone to get hurt!" Chi-yun called the people around.

The people backed away a little. Khalil and Fatima were scared of seeing the poor girl shaking like crazy on the floor. Chi-yun untied the teenage girl's scarf to let the airways flow. However, it didn't take long to calm her down. Second by second after the terrible attack, she began to calm down. About fifteen seconds later, she stopped shaking but her eyes are still open. Chi-yun felt relieved to see that she's okay but she still needs to be attended until she's completely awake and alert.

"Does she have any head injuries before?" She asked the other girl.

"No. She never has." The other girl shook her head.

"Okay. I'm going turn her onto the side so that the fluid can leak out from her mouth." Chi-yun spoke.

"I have some tissues in case you need to wipe it off." The other girl handed white tissues to Chi-yun.

"Thanks." Chi-yun spoke.

The teenage girl's mouth leaked out saliva; Chi-yun gently wiped it off from her mouth. She was laid on the side for about a minute. Then, Chi-yun gently laid her back. She took out a stethoscope, she placed the disc-shaped resonator to check if she's breathing well. She checked the sound of the girl's lungs. It sounded getting better and her chest was pumping in and out slowly.

"Her breathing rate is getting back to normal." Chi-yun spoke as she took her stethoscope off.

"Take her somewhere safe near you where she can rest. There's a bench way behind you." Chi-yun told the other girl.

She and Chi-yun scooped the girl carefully, and carried all the way to the long bench next to a store. Khalil and Fatima followed Chi-yun along. They laid her on the long bench, when the other girl sat next her feet.

"Can you tell me what caused her that attack?" Chi-yun spoke.

"Well, we were about to take down the escalator. I told her to come with me, but she stood stiff. She hasn't spoke a single word. I asked her what happened but still she didn't answer. Her hands were clenched so tight. I didn't know what's happening to her until she fell down. I grabbed her in my arms but she started to shake." The other girl explained.

Chi-yun paid close attention what she said.

"I guess that she has a phobia of heights. Because she didn't dare to take down the escalator, right?" Chi-yun guessed.

The other girl nodded.

"Yeah." Chi-yun whispered.

"She can't let that fear take over. She has to let herself to take over the fear." Chi-yun spoke.

"Keep an eye on her, don't offer anything to her until she's fully awake and alert. Just to let you that she just had a seizure attack. She'll wake up in a few moments, but she might get a little bit sleepy or confused. If anything gets worse, just call emergency or take her to the nearest hospital." Chi-yun advised the other girl.

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