Chapter 41~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Saturday midnight in late September.

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"Hang on, Myung-joo. I got it." Mo-yeon spoke, trying to fix it.

She picked the vessel on her rubber glove. But it didn't look like a vessel. It looked sticky and kind of gross.

"It wasn't a vessel. A tumour in his lymphatic gland just popped." Mo-yeon analyzed.

"The internal bleeding must be due to the diamonds. But what does the hypertrophy of the lymphatic gland suggest?" Myung-joo was curious.

Mo-yeon remembered Young-soo's coughing and shallow breathing.

"If his coughs and difficulty in breathing wasn't fake..." Mo-yeon put the symptoms together.

The doctors and nurses were waiting for her answer. However, she realizes that it's something contagious.

"Everyone, stop. Get your hands off the table. Palli." Mo-yeon urged.

Everyone else backed away from the operation table.

"He was coughing, had difficulty breathing and there's also hypertrophy in the lymphatic gland. All of his symptoms suggests that he has...a viral influenza. I believe that it is caused by a M-type virus." Mo-yeon diagnosed.

"Until we have an accurate diagnosis, the operation room will be sealed." She advised.

"Other than Ms. Yoon and me who's already contaminated, everyone else should retreat." She ordered.

"What about the operation?" Ja-ae worries.

"I think we have to finish this up by ourselves." Mo-yeon spoke.

Myung-joo seemed worried but Mo-yeon knew that neither of them will die.

In the army building, Dae-young and Si-jin seemed confused about the news broken by Sang-hyun, who's wearing a mask. Si-jin stood up from his chair.

"What is an M-type virus? Please explain the detail." Si-jin asked.

"It is one of the viruses identified by the WHO. We need further diagnosis to find out if it's M2 or M3." Sang-hyun explained, but then he started coughing.

"What's the difference?" The two soldiers asked simultaneously.

"M2 would mean it is a bit worse than a flu virus. M3 would mean it is a bit better than the Ebola virus." Sang-hyun spoke.

In the army base, Chi-yun and the two kids were also confused about that virus told by Min-ji.

"That's insane." Khalil muttered.

"No way." Fatima shook her head.

"Is it worse than a flu virus?" Chi-yun asked her.

"There are two M-type viruses. M2 and M3. Neither of those are better at all, I'm afraid." Min-ji explained.

"I hope no one dies in this corrupted country." Chi-yun hoped.

"Me too. I mean, we have gone through a lot of things. Being threathened by the bodyguards, surviving through an earthquake and now this?" Min-ji expressed.

"Where are they?" Chi-yun asked.

"They're in the Medicube. They just finished the operation but they're drawing blood samples to test, so--" Min-ji spoke but got cut off by Chi-yun.

"We better go see them. Khalil, Fatima, come with me." Chi-yun urged as the three ran together to the Medicube.

"But you can't go in the operation room. It's locked out. Ya!" Min-ji raised her voice but ran behind them.

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