Chapter 92~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Wednesday evening of late October.

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Ki-bum was sitting in the stairwells; his hands placed on his head. He tried not to cry because he knew he was in public. He let his tears out outside but now, he's feeling a bit calm now. He took deep breaths to keep calming himself down. He felt like he wanted to cut ties from Dae-young and Myung-joo, but the consciousness was yelling him that he can't do it. He wondered about find some ways to forgive Chi-yun. While he was still thinking, he heard footsteps behind him. He stood up from the steps, turned around and saw Mo-yeon about to walk down here.

She, however, found Ki-bum standing in front of her. He was about to stand beside the rail, but Mo-yeon was concerned of his sad look.

"Ki-bum, is everything ok?" She asked.

"Not really, to be honest." He sadly muttered.

"What happened?"

"I nearly got into a fight with Dae-young."

"Mwo? Jinjaeyo? Eonje?"

"A while ago. I slapped Dae-young in his face because he made the stupidest decision as a soldier. He applied to be discharged and Myung-joo is still around. I overheard them arguing last week outside from the building. I felt betrayed. Really betrayed. I yelled at him and nearly clutched him by his jacket. But Chi-yun stopped me. I warned him that he and Myung-joo nearly crossed the line and there's nothing that they can do about it. And Chi-yun ended up draggine me away before saying anything else, went outside and scolding at me. I was very upset too because she stopped me from cutting ties from them."

Mo-yeon looked shocked of the true reason why did they broke up.

"Aigoo, so that's the reason why did they broke up?"

He nodded, still looking sad.

"Ne. I knew that I was being ignorant. I was blinded by my anger. Now I realized that Chi-yun stopped me because she wanted them to have a break for themselves."

He looked up as if tears were about to form in his eyes again.

"I felt like crying, but I can't because I'm a soldier." He sighed.

She understood of what he's saying.

"I know it hurts to hear Dae-young making that decision."

He nodded.

"I felt sorry of arguing with Chi-yun. I felt like I have to look for her and say sorry."

"She's still here around the building. But you should look for her right now."

He nodded; she smiled.

"Ne." He stepped up the stairs past her to look for Chi-yun.

Chi-yun was seen walking in the skywalk, using her iPhone. She dialed at her cousin Han-yeol to call her parents. She placed it on her ear to wait for an answer. It rang about three times and he answered as his voice came out from the earpiece.


"Yeoboseyo, sachon?"

"Annyeo, Chi-yun."

"Annyeo. I just want to ask you something. Can you and our UCLA friends come to my house this Friday? I guess they didn't visited there before. I talked to my parents about it yesterday and they agreed."

"Ne. My mom's very outgoing so yeah, she would let us go there this Friday. I'll just let her know."

"Araseo. My eomma is going to make dinner for us in that day. But if you want to bring something from your eomma, that's fine too."

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