Chapter 13~THIRD-PERSON POV~ A warm Tuesday in early September.

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In early morning, the rest of the medical team gathered around in the hospital room; they were surprised and happy to see that the President had woke up in his bed. Chi-yun was so happy that she obeyed God's Commands, but she felt something that she needs to say. She cleared her throat as everyone had caught attention on her. She deeply sighed to slow down a little.

"I apologize for threatening and slapping the bodyguards and the President's doctor. I know I never acted like this before, but everyone has to respect that our God who created the heavens and the earth is on my side. Although we don't see Him in person, but we believe His Wonders." Chi-yun spoke.

The bodyguards and the Arab doctor accepted her apology.

"I can see you're a very strong woman. Keep that persistence you have along your powers." The Arab doctor spoke.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"No one knew that a young woman could ever stop us from shooting each other with those powers. I guess those unusual powers are gifted from the God of heavens." The bodyguard spoke.

Chi-yun smiled.

"Although it's just the beginning to attempt my new powers, I know that Inshallah, I will become a new person with new powers." Chi-yun spoke.

Everyone smiled.

In late morning, the medical team (Sang-hyun, Ja-ae, Min-ji, Chi-hoon and Eun-hee) was at the picnic bench in front of the medicubes. Sang-hyun faced down on the table and sighed in relief.

"What a relief. I thought that my 37-year-old life was about to come to an end." Sang-hyun spoke.

"The patient saved his doctors." Ja-ae added.

"Well, I'm so pleased. Though I was scared to see my sister acting like she dared to take the risk. My family's rich, but even they couldn't save me from this." Chi-hoon spoke.

"I know, me too, but thankfully it went okay now. I guess your family isn't that powerful, then." Eun-hee spoke and they all chuckled.

"That was the second time I trembled so much in the operation room." Sang-hyun spoke.

"When it was your first time, Sang-hyun?" Chi-yun asked him.

"When I operated Ja-ae's mom." He spoke.

"Were you scared in that time?" Chi-hoon asked him.

"I was so scared that something might go wrong." Sang-hyun spoke.

Ja-ae looked at him, silently. She remembered that time but thankfully it went well.

Suddenly, another doctor from the medical team approached towards the sitting medical team.

"Everyone, we have to go. They're moving the patient." He advised them.

The medical team got out from the table and rushed towards a group of people and soldiers.

"Attention." A soldier ordered as the rest of the soldiers made the military salute.

Chi-yun looked at the soldiers and she made the military salute with them.They were seeing the helicopter departing from Urk region. The breeze from the helicopter's top propellers made everyone's hairs and clothes flow and flap. The bodyguard looks out from the window, giving a nod to Mo-yeon as a thank you. She nodded back and the helicopter takes off.

"At ease." The soldiers lowered their hands from their hands, including Chi-yun.

A solemn Chi-hoon was standing in the aisle; flowing white sheets were hanging on the laundry line, attached in the army base. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt, creme-colored pants and brown shoes. What was he thinking? Well, maybe he was still thinking about his younger sister. He doesn't look worried but he silently feels it. He doesn't mind if the chills of the wind cleared his head.

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