Chapter 10~THIRD PERSON POV~A Monday in early September.

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In the morning, Chi-yun was wandering around the army base. She went in and out from the ruins of the building. Was she bored? Does she had nothing to do? Well, she sat against the walls to look up the clouded skies. Suddenly, she heard some singing from the soldiers.

"Up in the blue sky

Flowers bloom everywhere

When the sun rises in the east..." They sang.

Chi-yun got up to see what's going on there. She walked the edge of a rocky hill. When she saw what was happening there, it disgusted her completely. She also can't believe that Mo-yeon, Min-ji and Ja-ae were leaning against the fence; they were drooling at the shirtless soldiers doing their morning jog. Chi-yun walked away from them; she never wanted to see that.

"Mo-yeon, you're in trouble now. Si-jin will be so jealous of you. You too, Ja-ae, your husband will be envying of those shirtless soldiers. Min-ji, I don't know about you." Chi-yun thought.

"Just two years of service

And all will be over soon..." The soldiers kept singing; Si-jin blocked Mo-yeon's view of those shirtless soldiers.

"Did the noise wake you?" Si-jin asked Mo-yeon.

"Could you get out of the way?" Mo-yeon asked him, trying to wave him aside to not block her view.

Si-jin realizes that the ladies were staring the jogging, shirtless soldiers.

"What's your schedule for the day?" Si-jin asked her, trying to distract her from those soldiers.

"Morning or afternoon?" Mo-yeon asked him, still staring at those soldiers.

"On the spot and halt." Si-jin commanded.

"1,2." The soldiers spoke in unison.

"Your jog is over. Return to the barracks immediately." Si-jin commanded to the soldiers.

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers shouted.

"About turn. Jog." One of the soldiers commanded them.

They jogged back to the barracks.

Si-jin looked back to Mo-yeon.

"Morning and afternoon. What's your plan?" Si-jin asked her; Mo-yeon still staring at those soldiers.

Si-jin blocked her, and it made Mo-yeon look upset. However, Si-jn smirked at her.

In the noon, Chi-yun was sitting in the army base, typing a message in her iPhone for all of her friends,

"Hey guys, it's Chi-yun. I know it's been two months without you guys. I'm at a foreign country that's called Urk. It's a country lying at the tip of the Balkan Peninsula. Haesung Hospital is building an eco-friendly power plant there. I'm with my older brother, his girlfriend and my friends from Seoul, doing a medical mission over there. I still don't know when I'll be back, but I promise you guys that I will. I promise that I will come back healthier and more beautiful than before. Please take good care of my cousin Han-yeol, I'm sure he'll appreciate you guys. Wish you were here."

She posted her message, turned her phone off, kept it on her silver purse and zipped it closed. Suddenly, she heard a large bang and honking noise at distance, which made her got up immediately. She picked the walkie-talkie off the ground to call Si-jin.

"Chi-yun to Si-jin, is everyone okay? Over." Chi-yun spoke.

"Si-jin to Chi-yun. Yes, we're okay, we just heard it. The main gate reported that there's an accident on the mountain road. We'll be sent off to the accident site. Over." Si-jin spoke on the walkie-talkie.

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