Chapter 99~THIRD-PERSON POV~A chilly Tuesday of early November.

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Today is the first day of November. It will almost be two months since they first visited Urk. She remembered as if it was like yesterday. Urk is like a place of trials and triumphs for Chi-yun and others. They went through threats, earthquakes and diseases. Even perils that could get a risky chance to death. At the end, however, they all made through. After that, however, ups and downs came into their lives, mostly in the hospital. Gosh, life is like a rollercoaster. And it will always be until the day one leaves in this world.

Chi-yun just entered the hospital all by herself, carrying her crossbody silver purse. Khalil and Fatima were in home, taken care by her parents. Chi-hoon and Eun-hee came earlier before her. She was holding a stress ball she made yesterday (it was actually a white balloon filled with flour). She loves throwing and catching with her palm while walking in the hallways. She then pumped it, making her feel more relaxed. She walked past a bunch of people walking different directions. She seemed to be chill as if today will be normal as always.

She suddenly stopped when her ears perked up of hearing the news from the television screen. The news broke that they have found who is the mystery suspect Dae-young got shot by. Chi-yun turned around as she faced in front of the TV along the medical staff. Now she is ready to see the mystery suspect being discovered. Ki-bum walked behind her (but she didn't notice), staring at the screen.

The mystery suspect is now revealed. We actually do not know his name, but detectives say that he's part of a foreign black market. If you see this suspect, please call the local police department...

While hearing the news anchor speaking, she saw a photo of the suspect shown in the TV screen. She immediately recognized that it was the right-handed man of Argus.

Khalil's voice echoed in her mind, when they were walking on the streets.

"Chi-yun...what if that mystery suspect could of those in the black market?"

And a flashback entered her mind when she wrote in her thoughful book two days ago.

What if Khalil was right? Would the last night's incident be the first sign that the darker times will come?

And she remembered what she said in the park once again.

"Hold on for what's coming for us. I don't know it'll be good or bad...but we better be prepared."

Khalil was exactly right. The last night incident is the first sign that the darker will come. Now it has come. And she knew it would be bad. But she never knew that it would have been worse because Argus and his henchmen are back.

Is the enemy trying to scare her off? Is he trying to question her faith? Is he finding revenge? Is he playing games in her mind? Is he trying to infiltrate her mind that he's more powerful than her? Did the enemy of God had brought him back to life? Or he doesn't want the mastermind criminal in hell?

Questions had peppered in her mind.

Shock silently impacted her from her inside. The shock, however, has slowly turned into blazing anger. She clenched her hands, without noticing of having the stress ball on it. Her hands had turned into fists. Anger began to boil in her. She thought she had killed Argus and his henchmen for good. Seems like however...the enemy wanted to scare her off. But she is not scared. She is so angry. She gritted her teeth in her closed mouth, feeling the knot tying in her stomach. She cannot handle the hidden anger any longer. She took a shaky breath and...

"GAE SAEKKI YA!" She shouted with anger and threw the stress ball to the TV screen.

It caused scare to some people who she was standing behind. A male doctor rushed to hold the TV from tumbling. They looked shocked of seeing her erupting her anger like a raging volcano. She couldn't stand seeing the news (and the people staring at her) and walked away.

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