Chapter 8~THIRD PERSON POV~A Sunday morning in late July.

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The sunlight shone on her closed eyesight, but it was brighter than her bedroom. It made her eyes hurt a little, so Chi-yun squinted her eyes a little. She slight opened her eyes; the sun's rays streamed through the huge window all over the white room. She sat up while looking at the glowing clouds from the sunlight. It's a new day to rise like a break of dawn after the nightmare she literally experienced last night. She got out from the bed and stood front of the window. Her reflection was still the same, wearing that same white gown. She had her ponytail on she made last night, so she decided to let her brown hair down.

She took the white hair tie off and let her hair down. However, it was not limp nor frizzy. It now became vivid, voluminous and wavy. She never has this kind of hair before and it felt so soft that she couldn't stop touching it. She began to smile with amaze.

"Could my white hair tie be magical, or could it be something else?" She thought but has no idea.

Suddenly, a sunbeam shone through the window, directly to her. A glowing white ring appeared, surrounding her feet, and it slowly swirled up to her knees. She felt like she's in the center of a glowing, starry galaxy. Then, it swirled up to her waist, then to her upper chest. *Her white gown had turned into a floor-length, sparkly white, off-the-shoulder dress with a right high slit, exposing her right leg.

She outstretched her arms wide, and her short sleeves turned into long, powder white sleeves. She was still amazed of her beautiful transformation. Suddenly, she felt something hanging on her back. A transparent, floor-sweeping cape of sheer white attached the back of her crystalized bodice. Her silver eyes illuminated by the sunlight, staring at the sun breaking through the clouds.

She looked herself on the window; she and her reflection are the same. She began to smile that her old self is gone. Now she had turned into a beautiful, young woman wearing a dazzling, white dress. She slowly spun around; her dress and cape began to twirl around. She loved the dress, its color and her silver eyes. She looked out on the window once again, looking at her reflection. She realized that she has sparkling silver eyeshadow on her eyes; pink blush on her defined cheekbones and hot pink lipstick on her lips. She's also wearing a pair of long, shimmering diamond earrings. Also, her reflection she saw on the window last night is herself right now.

"I'm never going back because the past is in the past." She spoke and walked away from the window.

Suddenly, she heard click clacking in her feet. She wondered that if she's wearing mid-high heels. She opened the dress' slit a little, and she is wearing them, with the color white. She was more than amazed that she's wearing everything white. She looked like an angel, but she won't be just an angel.*

She quietly walked towards the door to open it. She opened the door carefully, not to make noise. She looked both ways, checking that no one's here. Silence invaded the hallways, so she quietly walked out and closed the door. She walked on the hallway; looking on both sides. Her brown hair flowed by bits of breeze. She wondered she could run with those heels so she started walking a bit quicker. Then, she started jogging, wandering both ways from left to right. She held her dress up a little so she won't trip.

She started running in heels. She didn't feel her feet sore, so she kept running to the hallway, despite of people walking the opposite way. Her cape flowed; white, glowing magic dust came out from it. Her brown hair bounced; she wandered around the skywalk while her cape kept flowing around.

"What she's running for? Why she's running in heels? Why she's running in that dress?" People thought about her.

Chi-yun doesn't even care of people criticizing her. She loves her dress so much that she wanted to keep it on for the whole day. She ran downstairs carefully to the first floor. She ran past the main lobby, while Mo-yeon was talking to the secretary in the desk. They saw her running in the white dress, but didn't know that was it Chi-yun running around or not. However, Mo-yeon realizes that Chi-yun is running around.

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