Chapter 26~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Saturday noon in early September.

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In the army tent, Myung-joo wandered back and forth, waiting for an answer from Si-jin underground. Mo-yeon seemed calm; she was kneeling on the ground, facing down. But inside of her, she might be worried sick of Si-jin.

"This is Situation Room. Big Boss, do you read? Say something." Myung-joo spoke on her walkie-talkie for Si-jin's answer.

But there was no answer. Myung-joo deeply sighed out of frustration.

She already knew that the building 'collapsed' so it made her lost the signal to the underground.

"This is insane." She muttered.

She looked at Mo-yeon, still kneeling on the ground and facing down. Mo-yeon was tying her white shoelaces of her white, tennis shoes. Myung-joo was curious why is she tying her shoelaces.

"What are you doing?" Myung-joo asked her.

"I am getting ready to run whenever I need to. I can't fall down here." Mo-yeon calmly spoke while tying her shoes.

When she was done tying her shoelaces tight, a flashback came in her mind of Si-jin tying her bootlaces, at the day after the earth shook. She stood up, imagining if Si-jin was staring, right in front of her.

"Thankfully, you aren't hurt." Si-jin spoke in her imagination.

Tears formed in her brown eyes, although she fought them back.

"You, too." She deeply sighed, despite of tears stuck in her eyes.

Underground, Si-jin was okay. He was helping the survivor, who Chi-hoon and Chi-yun tried to get him out but got hurt and ran away. He knew that Mo-yeon was thinking of him; he was also thinking about her. He was wrapping around his injured wrist with a bandage after an 'aftershock' made by Young-soo, who was finally dragged out by soldiers.

"That woman must be worried sick. She might think I'm dead. She might be regretting not having said yes when I asked her out." Si-jin told the survivor about his hidden love for Mo-yeon.

The survivor seemed curious of what Si-jin told, although he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"So, are you sad now?" He asked Si-jin.

"I'm not that sad. But I'm worried." Si-jin spoke as he looked at the survivor.

"Give me your arm." Si-jin spoke as the survivor rolled his right jacket sleeve up.

"Here you go." The survivor showed his arm to Si-jin.

Si-jin had a marker with him to write something on his arm.

"What's your name?" Si-jin asked the survivor.

"Kang Min-jae." The survivor introduced his own name.

Si-jin wrote his name along with some first aid instructions on his arm. Min-jae looked curious of what Si-jin's writing on his arm.

"But what are you doing?" Min-jae asked him.

"I'm writing some medicine." Si-jin answered while writing on Min-jae's arm.

"Medicine? What for?" Min-jae asked.

"In case you're the only one...that escapes from here." Si-jin spoke.

Min-jae looked confused what he said.

"What are you talking about? We'll both escape from here." Min-jae spoke and all of a sudden, he began to cough because of his allergic reaction of NSAID.

Si-jin heard him coughing, so he placed his fingers on his neck to check his throat.

"Stop talking. Your throat is beginning to swell up. Stop talking and stay still." Si-jin warned and he kept writing on Min-jae's arm.

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