Chapter 72~THIRD-PERSON POV~A Wednesday in early October.

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On a late morning, Chi-yun and the two kids were awake a while ago. They were at downstairs in the living room with their casual clothes on. Chi-yun had her silver purse, across her body. She wears an elaborate chignon on her head. She looked normal on the outside, but what's behind is the powerful side of hers. Anyways, Chi-yun might not understand why Chi-hoon and Eun-hee are still sleeping in this time. Most of the times, they sleep and get up early. They knew the young couple slept at 10 last night, but it might be impossible to sleep twelve hours for them.

"Khalil, can you go check Chi-hoon and Eun-hee if they're still sleeping? If they are, wake them up. It's nearly impossible to sleep over twelve hours." Chi-yun spoke.

"Okay." He nodded as he walked from the living room to the stairs.

He walked upstairs to Chi-hoon and Eun-hee's bedroom. He slowly opened the door and found them still asleep.

"Aww. They're sleeping like innocent kids. It's like there's only peace surrounding inside of them." He thought as his mouth grew into a smile.

He turned away as if he doesn't want to wake them up.

"What should I do? Should I wake them up or not? I mean, they look so cute and innocent together while they're sleeping together in bed." He hesistantly thought.

But he shrugged his shoulders and lets out of a deep sigh.

"Oh, well. I have to listen what Chi-yun says. I guess they have slept enough." Khalil thought.

He turned back to their bedroom.

"Hey! Wake up, you sleepyheads!" Khalil called out.

The young couple began to wake up from the bed, and yes, they're fully clothed. In case if Chi-yun comes in and sees them clothed, she might not have the worst condition she had last time in Urk. Anyways, their hairs were a bit unkempt.

"Morning, Khalil." Chi-hoon weakily smiled.

"What time is it?" Eun-hee nearly yawned.

"It's ten-thirty in the morning. We're going to the mall at one, remember?" Khalil reminded them.

"Oh yeah." Chi-hoon realized.

"We'll just freshen ourselves now and come down later, okay?" Eun-hee spoke.

"Gotcha." Khalil nodded as he wandered off from the bedroom.

The young couple looked at each other and adorably giggled at each other. They thought that Chi-yun was going to come to wake them up, but oh well. Nice catch-up. Khalil walked downstairs to the living room.

"I woke them up, Chi-yun." Khalil spoke.

"Are they coming down?" She asked.

"Later." He spoke.

Chi-yun just nodded. She took out from her iPhone to call her aunt. She placed her phone on her ear, waiting for her answer. It rang about five times and then...

"Yeoboseyo?" Mrs. Kim called.

"Yeoboseyo, ajumma? Did anyone of you woke up?" Chi-yun spoke on her phone.

"About a half an hour ago." Mrs. Kim spoke.

"Oh. Well, my appa will take us to the mall. You can just wait for us, sounds good?" Chi-yun spoke.

"Ne. How long will you get there?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"I'm not sure unfortunately. Hopefully at noon." Chi-yun shook her head.

"It's okay. Call me when you're there." Mrs. Kim spoke.

"Araseo, ajumma. Annyeo." Chi-yun spoke.

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