Chapter 21~THIRD-PERSON POV~A warm Thursday in early September.

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*Skip to 0:06. Just ignore the voiceover at the end. Stop at 0:52. 


The medical team could not believe that the patient has revived by Chi-yun's cape. Khalil and Fatima walked out from the tent, and saw the dusty cloud; it was nearly about to be a clear view. Now they can see a crying Chi-yun, still kneeling on the ground. The patient walked behind her, waiting for her to see himself alive. The two kids also walked behind her and kneeled both of her sides to comfort. Fatima gave her a white handkerchief from her first aid kit backpack; she put her hands on Chi-yun's back to ease her tears. They looked up the revived patient, then to Chi-yun. Khalil patted her shoulder.

"Chi-yun...Chi-yun." Khalil softly called her despite of her sniffles.

"What?" Chi-yun sniffled.

"There's someone who would like to talk to you." Khalil referred to the patient who was standing behind her.

Chi-yun wiped her tears with the handkerchief. She slowly stood up but facing down. Probably she didn't want to see the face of the patient. Khalil and Fatima stood up along with her, expecting her reaction of seeing the patient alive. Chi-yun slowly turned around but still facing down on the ground. She was staring at the patient's gray, tennis shoes. She began to slowly look up from his shoes to his face, like she was scanning him. Her reaction? Blank. Her face became numb like she didn't recognize that patient. Everyone was confused that she didn't react anything of seeing the revived patient.

"Who are you?" Chi-yun asked the patient.

A pause of silence.

"Where are you from?" Chi-yun asked him again.

The patient prepared his answer of Chi-yun's two questions.

"I'm the patient... your older brother...had tried to revive me." The patient spoke.

Right after his first words after his revival, everyone was shocked. Chi-yun's numb face had slowly turned into shock. Her eyes widened in disbelief; her eyebrows furrowed a little and her mouth nearly opened. Her shocked face slowly turned into anger, doubting how a person could revive if they suffer minutes of black death. She gritted her teeth like she's pissed off.

"What have you done..." She angrily asked with her teeth gritted.

" scare us off?!" She shouted.

However, the patient was very calm. He never responded back with violence and anger.

"I have already died of a heart attack before your brother had tried to revive me. Besides, it's no one's fault. I can't blame no one for my death." The patiently calmly answered.

Chi-yun was about to cry. Her breaths sounded like she's shivering in the cold. Her lips were trembling and her teeth clattered. She couldn't resist the pain and anger inside of her.

"What can we do stop this damned disaster from the earthquake?" She shook with her teeth gritted, as tears formed in her eyes.

"No one in this world can stop disasters. Earthquakes come from nature. That's what it is." The patient spoke.

Right after those four answers he answered, the last one made her realize something.

"Oh, my God, it is You talking to me." Chi-yun muttered.

She realized that it was God using the patient to talk directly to her.

"What happened?" The patient asked as he didn't hear what she was saying.

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