Chapter 1

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'And that is how you simplify fractions.' A school bell rings all around the building.

'Don't forget about the test tomorrow.' The teacher said quickly to all the fleeing students who were very anxious to get back home. However a particular schoolgirl lagged behind everyone else. The girls was named Mitsuko, she was a quiet 17 year old girl who had black hair and had 2 different eye colours, her left eye was a bright emerald green while her right eye was a dark scarlet colour. She was someone who was described as "the average loner." She kept to herself all the time, she had decent grades but nothing about her stood out, except for her heterochromia but even then people didn't really want to associate with her. She never really talked to anyone at the beginning of the year, now it was halfway through and she didn't speak to anyone and they didn't speak to her in fact quite a lot of people picked on her and put her down because of her isolation that was never intended.

When class was over she lagged behind the crowd and waiting for them to go on ahead, she was a loner and she didn't belong in a crowd she thought to herself. When she didn't see anyone she started walking back to her home which was an orphanage. She enjoyed just spending the time in her room playing her favourite franchise Dynasty Warriors, she would vary it up every now and again but that series was by far her favourite series of games to play to help pass the time. Every now and again she would wonder what it would've been like living in that time period where technology was still very primitive, where everyone fended for themselves and everyone was fighting, where every named person would have at least some form of strength and power, something Mitsuko thought she lacked. Mitsuko boarded the train to her home since it was a good while away from her high school. When she arrived at the orphanage she greeted everyone while she was walking to her room with her usual smile to hide her sadness from everyone when the head mistress told her that some friends of hers visited. She got suspicious and quickly ran to her room, when she opened it she was horrified by what she saw. Her room was utterly trashed, all her belongings were destroyed, her bed and her sheets were torn to shreds. Her eyes filled with tears as she ran out of her home and just kept running, she didn't know where she was going all she knew is that she had to get as far away as possible. She didn't feel safe, however she was feeling rather pathetic and weak but most of all angry. She hated what had happened and wanted to make who ever made her life a misery pay but she knew she was too weak to do anything and her lack of self confidence didn't help at all. She eventually reached a small port where it seemed no one was around like it was completely abandoned. She found a small wooden bridge that seems to be used for fisherman or disembarking from the smaller ships that would've been docked, she walked up to the edge and sat down with her legs dangling from the edge while wiping away her tears. She looked up and saw for some reason it was night already, the moon was full and the stars were shining brightly. She wished to herself that she would overcome her lack of self confidence and doubt and get stronger, she wanted to be much stronger and make them all that made her suffer pay. Suddenly she started to cry again, when one of her tears reaches the water it made a small ripple that gradually looked like it travelled towards the open water. Mitsuko looked up and saw that the moon was glowing red and a fog began to appear and seemed to envelop Mitsuko. She quickly stood up and wondered what was going on when all of a sudden she heard a voice from what seems to be coming from all directions from the fog.

"Do you wish to become powerful?" it echoed within her mind, at first she didn't know what to do and wanted to run but it feels like her legs wouldn't move at all and part of her was compelled to stay.

"Y-yes I want to become strong!" Mitsuko shouts at the fog which seems to grow even thicker.

"The road ahead will be hard and difficult, are you sure you are ready to leave your life and face the trails ahead?" The voice questions while Mitsuko nods her head in response.

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