17 School punches

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Gabe picks Philip up from the city he didn't bother to say much knowing Philip didn't want to hold much conversation.

When they arrive near Red Hook High Philip gets out."You forgot this" Helen hands Philip his bag and jacket. "You okay?" Helen asks making conversation "Yeah" But Philip wasn't and he couldn't say anything about what happened last night.

Gabe saves him"It was Ann's birthday" Helen look at Gabe"Really?" Not having a clue it was"Yeah she's all alone and I didn't want to miss it" the conversation carries on until Helen gets a phone call.

"Damn it I have to help Toni with those 3 bodies" Helen explains Philip turns his head fast" Um what happened?" Philip already knew though. "There was a shooting" Philip had to know was there any survivors.

"Uh who died?" Philip doesn't look into her eyes"There was 3 gang members no know from around here" Gabe tells Philip he can't say anything about Helen's work he agreed and pegged it to school messaging Lukas in the way barging past Lukas and his fake friends.

Philip- We need to talk now!

But Lukas never responded so he walked up to him near his locker"Hey Helen said she found 3 dead body's in the cabin" Lukas looked shocked"Wait you told Helen" Not giving Philip chance to reply Lukas began walking away.

"Wait no no no listen to me there were 4 guys in the cabin right" Philip asked "Yeah so?" Lukas turned back around facing him"So why did Helen only find 3 dead body's" Then Lukas mutters 'get out of here' so nobody can hear.

Philip ignored him"What if somebody survived?" Lukas lost it muttering okay punching Phillip square in the face soon enough people were crowding around them.

Philip pushed him into the the lockers causing Lukas throwing them both to the floor a lot of punches were thrown.

"Break it up"The teacher wonders over picking Philip up off Lukas"Get of me bitch" Lukas demands. Philip leans against the wall finally bringing air into his much needed lungs."MY OFFICE NOW!"The teacher yells.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now