50 Thoughts

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The sun shined through Lukas thin curtains and Philip started to wake up around 8am cold Lukas wasn't beside him and sighed after patting the spot he was suppose to be in.

A note was left on the pillow Philip sat up and took the note and started to read it.


Hey sorry if I'm not there when you wake up.
I went to the store to get something for us to eat dad forgot to do the shopping be back soon.

Lukas x

Philip later back down and thought about what he was going to do he didn't feel like going back to his foster parents house now that he knows he might not be safe there after that man walked in.

His head was filled with thoughts on what's going to happen. What was going to happen to him and Lukas. Philip wishes everything will be okay but he also has a bad gut feeling when he saw him what if he does notice Lukas around and remember him.

He decided to stop thinking and catch a few more hours of sleep hoping when he woke up Lukas would be holding him and telling him everything will be okay.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now