68 Tracks

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After school Lukas took Philip back to the bmx tracks"So today I had a chat with Rose" Lukas pulls his helmet of"Yeah what about?" Lukas asked setting down there helmets"Some guy was a bit mean to her I cheered her up though"

Lukas nods"That's good and thanks Philip" Philips smiles"It's alright and hey..... do you know what snapchat is?" Philip asked blushing he was embarrassed to ask"You don't know what snapchat is?" He shook his head"Not until Rose explained it"

Lukas laughs"Hey at least you can make popcorn without burning it" Philip laughs that's one of his favourite memories of them.
"Right so what are we doing here?" Once there laughter dies down.

"Well I was wondering if my amazing adorable boyfriend would record me again" Lukas puts on his most cutest faces on that makes Philip melt"Well I suppose he could because he's that amazing" he jokes.

"I know he is" Lukas kisses Philip and gets on his bike and starts. Half an hour later Lukas stops and stops right by Philip"That was amazing is that why you have been training a lot?" He nods"Race coming up soon" now he remembers.

"I'll edit the footage later on and send it to you to post"Philip gets on the bike"You hungry?" Just in time his stomach starts rumbling"I'll take that as a yes, how about pizza we haven't had it in a while"

Philip agrees"Yeah I'm starving" Lukas chuckles leaving the tracks.

Sorry it's kinda short I'm tired and hungry 😋 for pizza 🍕 now haha enjoy.
This chapter is for kayliexclifford

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant