76 Lukas, Rose and Sky

354 27 3

1 week later


He had to go to school since he hasn't been all week as soon as he steps foot on school grounds"Lukas hey I heard about Philip I'm sorry" great Rose he thought"I'm not in the mood leave me alone" that was the first time Lukas had ever been horrible to her.

"Is there anything I can do?" Rose questioned on"Yeah leave me alone" and walked away.
During his class his phone vibrates.

Sky- Hey I'm heading up to you now skip school

Lukas- Okay but I can't skip my dad will kill me deal was I could stay at Helens if I attended school everyday

Sky- Do you want to find Philip or not it's been a week the cops are sitting in there asses doing not but stuffing there faces with KFC till the phones go of

Lukas- True but what's the plan and how can we find Philip when we can't find him at all

Sky- Easy I have a few tricks up my sleeve mate

Lukas- Right text me when your here I'll go to the school nurse and tell her I'm not feeling to good and I'm gonna go home

Sky- Right well I've got my car

Lukas- Since when do you drive?

Sky- Since this moment

Lukas- Please don't tell me you stole it

Sky- What do you take me for oh you know what never mind just know I haven't stole it

Lukas- Okay believe you

Sky- Good

Lukas makes his way to the school nurse after explaining to the teacher."Hey I'm not feeling so good after everything can I just go home and rest" the nurse nods telling him to get better and gives him a slip if a teacher stops him.

Sky- Outside

Lukas- Be there now

Somebody grabs Lukas arm and pulls him to the side"What the hell Rose are you insane" Rose ignores him"I know your fine your faking being unwell but.... can I help please" he shakes his head"Why would you want to help at all?"

Lukas questions"Because every time something has happened to Philip here I just started and watched but I want to help you please" Rose pleads"It's dangerous" she doesn't give up.

"I'm gonna regret this" Rose smiles and starts walking Lukas trailing along behind her.

Sky gives him the what the hell look as they get into the car"She was pestering I wouldn't of got out of there" Sky starts the car"Well I'm Sky"
She introduces her self"Rose" well this is not about to get wride he thinks.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now