23 I'm not suppose to like you this way

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Now here they are sitting in the sheriffs department trying to sober up before being questioned. Philips leaning back in his chair and Lukas is laying down on the floor.

"Why'd why'd you kiss me earlier?" Philip had been dying to ask since they sobered up a bit"What" Lukas asks.
"Because you wanted to or cause you didn't want me to tell"

"I'm not suppose to like you this way"
They heard Bo Lukas dad outside demanding answers Lukas jumps up looking for something"shit" he said.

"What do you want me to say I'll say what ever you want" Philip said."You can't talk right you're even more wasted"Lukas taking a gulp of hand sanitiser."

"Is that hand sanitiser? No no don't do that" Philip tries"Here drink this" Lukas hands him the bottle of hand sanitiser"Drink this"Philip shakes his head muttering wait no no no. But takes a gulp of it pulling a face in disgust.

"Oh my god"Philip hands the bottle back to Lukas Lukas puts the lid back on and puts it down when they enter the room.

"Okay so who has the fake ID?" Helen questioned"So what you two are friends now"Bo Lukas dads"No"Lukas says to quickly"No you just happen to get drunk and smash windows together?"

Both boys don't look at them. "I don't get it what's going on with you two?" Bo wants to know. Lukas heaves as he throws up the hand sanitiser and alcohol in one.

"You know what why don't we just... You can come back tomorrow and we'll talk about it then" Helen tells Bo. Bo drags his son out of the sheriffs office.

"I'm not gonna lecture you right now" Helen wants to though Philip leans his neck against the chair. But before Helen and Gabe could let Philip speak he throughs up everything he has consumed today.

Gabe took Philip home after Helen got a call out with Tony and Philip slept it off.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now