86 He can stay

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He had got changed and was on his way to Helen when she turns up in the car and gets out a bag with her he's guessing it's Philip.

"What the hells going on Helen how could he of got out?" Lukas invites her in holding the door.
"He has connections and a rich ass lawyer" Helen commented as they walked into the living room.

"Great just great what are you gonna tell Philip?" Helen nods"Have to it would be wride if I just turn up with his bag saying your moving in here for now" point taken.

"Well what's going to happen now?" Helen shrugs"I don't know but now Ryan's been released Philips only gonna be safe here or I'll have to....." Lukas looks at her."Have to what?"

"I'll have to rehome him to another foster home" those were never the words Helen never wanted to leave her mouth. Lukas replies straight away"He can stay"


He feels better than he has in a month well year since he can't remember getting a good night sleep his eyes slowly open looking around for Lukas seeing no sign of him but the beds a little bit warm.

So he couldn't of gone to long ago Philip gets up and starts to walk down the stairs when he hears two voices and stops.

"I'll have to rehome him to another foster home" wait what is Helen talking about?
"He can stay" what's happening now? Philip wants to ask.

"What's going on?" Both Helen and Lukas look towards Philip now they know he here."Philip you have to stay with Lukas for a while" Helen tells him"Why?" He wouldn't mind it he thought.

"The guy who beat you...." Philip cut her of.
"You mean Ryan" she nods"Well he's been released" Lukas watches as Philip takes a step back"Is.... is he gonna finish the job this... this time"his words come out in a jumble.

"No he won't your here and your staying" Lukas tells him"Philip your going to be safe but I think you need to talk to someone instead of bottling things inside"I don't want to see a shrink"

Helen nods giving up"Alright" Helen turns back to Lukas"If Philip needs anymore of his things give me a call and I'll drop them of" Philip interrupts Helen"I am here you know"

They ignore him"Right well he should be fine I think my dads not back till next month" Lukas said"Okay I'll deal with Bo if something happens and he comes back early" Helen leaves soon after that.

"Right I'll sort your room for you and then I'll make us something" Philip nods not saying anything"You can watch TV if you want to" Lukas hand him the remote.

I can't believe he's out that what both Lukas and Philip think.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now