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Lukas"Philip..... PHILIP!" He hangs up and hides as soon as the door swings open hard against the wall. Philip listened for footsteps that were downstairs.

Philip slowly steps out of his room quietly as possible walking down the stairs he looked into the kitchen nobody was there. He looked back to the front door seeing the handle broken then he heard something smash in the living room.

He walks backward until Philips back is met by the wall stoping him. Philip makes his way into the kitchen heart racing scared and terrified about what might happen.

Out of no where someone smashes a bottle over Philips head and he falls to the floor.
He gets knocked out cold for what felt like hours but was 5 minuets.

Philips head throbs in pain he slowly starts to stand dizzy Philip grips things as he begins walking to the hallway seeing no sigh of Ryan who knocked him unconscious.

"I remember you...... Philip" he turns around still dizzy seeing three of Ryan and he shoves him against a mirror picture frames falling to the floor from the impact.

"What are you gonna do..... kill me like you did Tommy and Tracy" Ryan places his hands around Philips neck tightening his hold slowly. Making it more painful for him Philip suddenly can't seem to breathe his face becoming red Philip reaches out for something anything that could help him.

Then his hands met a white glass vase perfect and Philip grabs it and smashes it against Ryan's head hard making him release his hold he had on Philip as soon as the vase connected with his head.

Ryan groans"You son of a bitch" Philip rushes to the door well what's left of the broken door before he's met with the cold breeze he catches his breathe before beginning a sprint.

He didn't stop running until his lungs burned.
Then he hears running footsteps behind him Philip turned around. Seriously can't this guy stay away Philip see a bus stopping ahead he quickly runs onto it and sits down catching his breathe.

The bus was just about to leave when Ryan came on Philip wanted to get of now and started making his way when Ryan shoved him down onto the bus seats"Sit down and don't say a word" Philip nods wanting to live when he sees a gun tucked into Ryan jacket.

He felt like he had been hit by a bus thinking about it after an hour the bus came to a stop people started getting of them Ryan grabbed Philip taking him to a car that was parked near by.

Ryan grabs him and shoves Philip inside. Philip cringes in pain as his side meet the car door then when he looked back to Ryan his fist connected with Philips face and Philip blacks out darkness surrounding him.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now