104 Forever? Forever

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He wakes up just as Lukas re enters the room looking down Philip rubs his sleepy eyes"You okay?" Lukas crawls on the bed and settles himself in between Philips legs"Just hold me.."
He brings his arms around Lukas back holding him to his chest.

"I will" that's the truth Philip would always whenever Lukas needed it"Forever?" He asks into Philips neck"Forever" Philip promises he wonders what's made Lukas like this but ignore it when Lukas leans up to kiss him"Don't"

Lukas pulls back"What?" He felt a little hurt.
Philip smiles"Teeth I need to brush" Lukas doesn't care and slams there lips together.
For a minuet or two because he knows Philip hates kissing with out brushing his teeth.

"Go on then and hurry" Lukas moves of him and he quickly brushes his teeth and comes back to Lukas seeing him half asleep. Philip grabs his phone taking a quick picture of Lukas.

"What you doing?" He sleepily asks"Nothing" he didn't want Lukas to know yet knowing he'd try and delete it"Come back bed then" he does cuddling Lukas to his body they both sink to the bed together and peck each others lips before they both fall asleep in each others arms.

Lukas just wishes this won't be the last time there like this it's so wirde how he's used to Philips body being beside his during the night.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now