30 Because you know I like you

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Philip didn't bother meeting him that morning but texted him after school to meet in the roof making his way to the roof just as Lukas was sending him another message asking where he was.

Philip made his way over to Lukas"Hey got your text what's up?"Lukas puts his phone in his pocket and walked over to where Philip was stood."I texted this morning" Lukas looked calm"Yeah well I wanted a break"

"I know you haven't been in classes I shouldn't have called you last night sorry but why is Helen driving you to school all of a sudden?" Lukas questions worried Helen might know something."I just told her I'm gay that's all"Philip says calmly.

"You told her why?" of course I told her it a that or what happened Phillip thought. He looks to the side."Shit now they think I'm gay to"No they just think you're a homophobic bully.

"What are we doing up here? I thought this was about last night?"Philip wanted to go not wanting this conversation."It is but you gotta help me people are wondering why we skipped together"

"Just tell them you went home when actually you went to the city with me oh and don't hang out with me anymore" Philip told him
"I can't stop seeing you that's the problem you think I haven't tried that"Lukas said."When did you ever try?"

"The other day when I ignored you but I caved in" Lucas admitted."Okay fine but what do you expect me to do huh say none of what we are doing is true is that what because Lukas I don't know how to possibly help you"

"Your an asshole" Philip nods his head. "Yeah I'm the asshole" Lukas shakes his head."Yes you are, I'm gonna have sex with Rose" Philip clenches his jaw in anger.

"Did you seriously drag me here to tell me that not only you want my help but your gonna have sex with her" Luke's looks down then back to Philip"No... I...." Philip moves his feet.

"Why would I help you with anything" he doesn't deserve it"Because you know I like you and you know that to because I know you feel the same"Lukas steps toward and brings Philip into a hug he melts into.

That's the problem he likes Lukas to much.
Philip wraps his arms around Lukas waist, Lukas moves his head to look back at Philip.

Philip leans up and kisses Lukas, Lukas hands tightening on Philips shoulders bringing them closer together before Lukas had to pull away to explain the plan.

"So will you... help"Philip nods in agreement and brings Lukas lips back to his own.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now