58 Questions

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Here they both sit Helen is gob smacked after being told.

"I'm not going to be a cop right now Lukas I don't want to interiget you I just want answers"
Lukas nods and starts"After school I was training for a race that's coming up in a couple of weeks and I ran out of petrol so I went to the cabin knowing my dad keeps a spare tin"

Helen writes a couple of things down"Carry on just making a note of everything"She encourages him"When I got there everything was fine not out of place but when...... it started getting dark I was in a hurry to get back home except a car pulled up and I seen 3 guys getting out of the car"

Lukas takes a breathe"What happened when they got out of the car?" Helen asked when she stoped writing"I don't know they went to the boot of the car that's all I saw before I started to find a spot to hide in" she nods"Where did you hide in the cabin?"

He didn't want to tell Helen Philip was there that was up to Philip when he's ready to.
"The closet that's how I saw everything" Helen stops writing"What happened when they entered the cabin?" He played with his hands underneath the table while carrying on.

"They pushes a guy inside across the room.... and they started shouting it was a blur I was shaking a lot not wanting to hear anything" he admitted"Did you hear anything that you remember?" She continued.

"Only that one guy thought it was wrong and not to shoot and then this other guy took over and before he could shoot....." it's hard to explain Lukas thinks before carrying on"The guy they kidnapped had a gun and shot the two guys start away"

"What about the other guy?" Lukas took a sip of water Gabe poured for him who was sitting in the living room watching a football game.
"The guy was claiming he works for the FBI"
Helen notes that down."How did you get out?"

"I.... I grabbed at pan and hit him over the head 2 times and ran to my bike" Lukas started feeling dizzy remembering that night."Do you know anything about a gun because I figured a gun was missing from the scene since everyone was shot in there but no gun"

"Yeah.... I know where the gun is the guy was gonna shoot me at first before I hit him" Helen looks more closely at Lukas who was looking down at the table."Where's the gun now Lukas? Do you know?" He nods"In the quarry"

"Okay.... so you know what the shooter looks like" Helen breathes out Lukas could only nod like he feels like he been doing a lot lately. But Lukas couldn't tell her who unless he came face to face with him otherwise he would be landing Philip in it since he's the one who saw him.

"Have you seen the shooter around here?" Lukas new he has to lie again"I've been keeping to myself training home and school and the local cafe that's it" Helen nods finishing up writing down.

"Tomorrow your going to meet me at the quarry and show me where this gun is is there anything else I need to know?" Yes Lukas though but shook his head wanting to see Philip he misses him already and he's only been here 2 hours.

I think it would be good for Philip to tell Helen in his own time!

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant