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For once he wakes up alone but notices the dog must of sneaked in during the time Lukas left.
There's a quiet knock and Gabe came in"Sorry have you seen...." he stops once he sees the lil pup"I don't know when he got here" Philip looked innocent.

"Blame Lukas" then speaking of Lukas he appears"Blame me for what?" Then he spots the dog"Oh that well I was in my way out and the dog looked so lonely and plus he legged it in here a snuggled up to you so I left him"

"Well don't get to attached you two" Gabe points out knowing the dog had to get returned in 2 weeks"Shouldn't be telling me it's Philip you should be worried about" Philip glares at Lukas who smiles back"Well I can't remember the last time I had a dog at home"

He remember mum bringing a dog home when he was little a couple of years later he did die and it broke his heart he loved his dog Sammy.
He was snapped out of his thoughts soon enough.

"Maybe we should get a dog but it'll take a lot of convincing with Helen" Gabe tells Philip.
"Philip just give Helen you puppy dog eyes and she'll say yes" Lukas laughs he looks so cute looking at him like that god what's happening to him.

"Right I'll leave you both to it I'm guessing the dogs staying"Philip nods quickly"I have a surprise for you" he turns his head"Is that where you went then?" He was a little worried at first when he woke up alone he's gotten so use to Lukas behind him with his arms wrapped around his waist.

"Yeah I got you....." instead of finishing he just gave Philip the bag to open"Oh my god...." he brings the camera into view"Please do not tell me you bought me a new camera" well he sure did Lukas thought"Yeah every time we walk passed that shop you always look at it so I wanted to get it for you and you must be a little bored since you haven't got a phone"

It was true normally he would go on his phone to take half the pictures he does Philip hugs Lukas tight squashing the puppy between then who jumps up at Lukas licking his face.

Philip laughs and snaps a picture on the camera.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now