134 Following black cars

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Helen"It's clearing up Tony just messaged me"

Philip"What happens now?"

Helen"Well if your sure that's Ryan's car we follow but not to close from a distance"

Philip"Got it any more new?"

Helen"No Tony's just got back to the office someone's checking Lukas bike"

Philip"What's there to check it's been ditched"

Helen"I know but it's an investigation now that nobody can reach Lukas"

Philip"What if he's badly bleeding?"

Helen"Philip if he is he's going to hang on you know that and plus he doesn't give up without a fight and if he is losing a lot of blood then we'll deal with that once we find him okay?"


Even though they now sit in silence in separate cars Philip hears Helen turn the radio on. Helen shares a small laugh.

Helen"Your jams are better than my jams"

He grins at that even if Helen can't see him she actually remembers? Even after what had happened to him he still had flashbacks of small things like this

Philip"My jams are"

Philip"You still listing to that parental guidance tape?"

Helen"No actually stoped a while ago didn't think I needed it or do I?"

Philip"No I don't think you do anymore I don't think you needed it in the first place your just you"

They both continue on with there conversation to past time and avoid thinking the worst when the cars started to move along.

Helen"I just switched lanes now I'm behind you"

Philip"I can see you"

Helen"What ever happens be careful yeah?"

Philip"Yeah you to"

Helen"Always am"

They both follow Ryan's car until they come to another red light but Ryan got away just before it turned red.


Helen"Crap you mean"


They soon catch up to the car when the lights turn back green when another black car comes up.

Helen"Which ones witch?"

Philip"I don't know I can't see the number plate"

Helen"I'll follow the left one you stay with the right I'll get Tony on board so he knows while tailing this one"

Philip"Okay what do I do if Ryan gets out of the car?"

Helen"It might not be him if it is don't do anything okay just stay away from him so he can't see you and message me"


Philip carries on tailing the black car from two cars in front when he sees the black car parking up in a patrol station. He's sees Ryan get out of the car filling the car up and he goes in to pay.

Sorry Helen but he doesn't want to put her in danger and parks the car across the street and gets out. He checks his phone making sure the call ended and putting it on silent as he headed to Ryan's car seeing no one about he looks inside and makes his way to the boot.

He grips it and pulls the boot lifting seeing nobody inside but Philip pats the blanket and something warm soaks his hand he pulls his hand back. Blood it must be Lukas then he hears the door going Philips heart racing he looks to the door pulse racing.

Not Ryan and sighs he's getting to Lukas one way or another and makes a quick decision.

Follow Ryan and get caught?
Or he had another option.

Philip slowly but forcefully decides and he gets in the boot of Ryan's car just as the door to the petrol station opened revealing Ryan.

Philip shuts the boot from the inside as forcefully as he could till he hears a slight click.

So Philips in the boot...... 😬

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now