133 RHMLU .L.??

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He's feels so tempted to get out of the car seeing as the lights weren't gonna change any time soon still on the phone to Helen.

Helen"Don't follow that car I mean it Philip"

He can hear the sternness in her voice but isn't bothered by it why now why today? Ryan said the race it isn't till tomorrow they still had time to figure things out.


Philip"I'm here red lights"

Helen"I'm on my way to you now"

Philip"You going to follow the car?"

Helen"First we need to find out if it's actually him it might not be Philip people do own cars the exact same as Ryan"

Philip"I recognize the number plate"

Helen"Are you sure? Philip you need to be sure"

Philip"I'm..... sure"

Helen"Right I'm in a lane beside you somewhere there's been a smash just up here that's why nobody's moving jam"

Philip"What if he's in there?"

Helen"Can you see anything movement at all?"

Philip"No nothing just his head a cap that's all do you think he shoved Lukas in the boot of his car"

Helen"I don't know but we have to be careful and not screw this up especially since I'm in a police car"

Philip"How far behind are you?"

Helen"7 cars behind.... hang on I got Tony to check where Lukas bike has been ditched"

Philip waits for Helen he hopes Tony has Lukas but all he can feel in his gut is a really bad feeling.

Helen"Tony found blood a mile from the tracks"

Philip"Wha... what?!"

Helen"Calm down Philip you need to breathe with me okay just do that we don't know yet but Tony thinks it's his it was warm"

The blood drains from Philips face as he listens to Helens voice entering his ears no he can't believe it why Lukas he should have just came back for him Philip thought.


Helen"Was that you or me?"

Philip"Hang on I think it's me"

Philip clicks onto his messages.

Unknown- RHMLU .L.

He stares at the screen what's that meant to mean is this Ryan? Playing stupid games with him? God where are you Lukas?

Helen"Who's it from?"

Philip"I don't know it's unknown number it's wride I don't understand it hang on I'll send it to you"

He sends the message to Helen.

Helen"What does this mean?"

Philip"I don't have a clue"

Helen"Do you think it's Ryan messing?"

Philip"I don't know"

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now