126 Stormy nights

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He lets his feet lead him to where ever he wanted to be alone for a while he knows when he comes back Helen wants answers that's if she's even there.

He ends up by the cafe he and Lukas go to on Thursday he's never been there during the day so he goes in and orders something to drink to pass some time before heading home he sits at there usual table.

Why did Ryan have to do that that family didn't do anything wrong they didn't deserve to die especially the way they did. Soon his hot chocolate arrives breaking him from his thoughts thankful.

Philip drinks his hot chocolate in peace without getting any cream on his nose which was a task since he always does. He sits there for a while over thinking what's happened over the past months and days.

The sun went down hours ago and Philip hadn't moved an inch he checks the time seeing it 11.00 woah time does fly when your thinking he decides to go home knowing Gabe and Lukas would be worried Helens probably still at work finding evidence.

As soon as he walks in he's brought into a hug by Gabe"We've been so worried Philip" he didn't mean to worry them he never does it's just a thing he does when he's scared.

"I'm sorry I just felt like I couldn't breathe in here"Gabe understands like normal pulling away"Well you already know where Helen is" he nods like always he though Philip looks around before Gabe points to the stairs.

"He was really worried you know never seen hi like that he went looking for you couldn't find you Philip so I told him to go to bed and you'd be there when he wakes up" now he feels guilty and wishes he never smashed his phone in anger.

"I'm gonna go and check on him then I'm sorry again I haven't got a phone no more" Gabe walks over and grabs a space one he has"Here just until you get a new one I'll get you one soon so don't break this one yeah?" Gabe smiles as he hands Philip the phone.

"Try not to"and waves thankful before heading upstairs to his room finding Lukas fast asleep and on his side of the bed he smirks undressing him self then climbing into bed.

Arms automatically wrap around his waist like Lukas could feel him as soon as he lay down.
Lukas places a kiss to his shoulder still asleep Philip turns his head to the side just to see his face"I love you Lukas Waldenbeck" he whispers into the dark room.

What felt like 5 minutes to him he was awaken by the thunder and lightning he sits up Lukas groaning"Come back" Lukas groggy voice calls for him Philip curls himself around Lukas heart beating fast.

He's always been afraid of the thunder and lightning when he was little his mum used to hold him until he fell asleep somehow calming him at first.

"It's okay" Lukas hands stroke underneath Philips t shirt rubbing circles into his back becoming sleepy again he yawns into his shoulder falling asleep forgetting all about the storm and the howling outside.

All he could hear was light humming in his ear that was the last thing he remembered.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now