78 Tapes

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Now the three of them are standing outside one of Ryan Kane home"How do we get in...." Sky gave her the look"Haven't you ever locked yourself out before and decided hey pick the lock" Sky sarcastically said and Rose gave her a dirty look.

"Ladies please" Lukas starts walking to the back door and Sky goes down on her knees and pick locks the lock the door so clicks after.
"Done" the door opens and they go inside but Rose grabs there arms"I don't know about this"

"Are you serious?" Lukas says"Here go wait in the car" Sky passes her the keys"How could you ever date her" Lukas looks surprised at that.
"How did you know that we dated?" Sky looks at him and stops walking"Philip" he shakes his head.

They look around Sky took upstairs and Lukas looked around down stairs finding nothing then he hears Sky yell"LUKAS!" Lukas runs upstairs in case he's in the house.

Lukas walks into the bedroom"What?" Sky holds up some tapes"Look what's written one them"SUICIDAL MURDERS"So...." Lukas said not getting it"He might have done these and recorded them"one way to find out they thought.

They put the first tape in and the girl is unconscious with her hands tied and feet. Ryan walks to the girl as she wakes and she scream and begs but Ryan shoots her. Lukas and Sky jump"Okay I don't want to watch anymore"

Lukas puts the tapes into his bag"I'll give them to Helen later" Sky agrees they carried on searching finding nothing."It's no use were never going to find him"

Sky grabs him by the shoulders"Don't you dare say that don't give up on him I've know him since kindergarten he's my little brother I've always looked after him been there for him when he needs some one now he needs you don't you get that we can't give up"


Helen"It's Philip...."

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now