99 I need to remember

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They get to Helen and Gabes safely Lukas knocks on the door"Lukas? I thought I was coming over to you?" Helen asked surprised to see them both."Were not safe at mine anymore Ryan knows where I live well I'm guessing" Helen invites them in.

Lukas and Philip walk inside going into the living room"He rang saying good luck brain storming ideas how does he know what we were talking about?" Then he thinks"What if he was in the house Helen?" She looks worried.

"Will somebody start talking to me I'm sick of being shut out!" Philip snapped"Hang on a moment Philip" Helen tells him sitting down across from them"Your not staying there and your not safe here we'll have to find some place he can't find you both"

Gabe walks in"I thought we were heading over?" Helen explains so Gabes on board.
"Do you want to know?" Helen wanted to make sure Philip was ready"No.. not really but I'm sick of being shut out and I know I knew what was going on before the accident.... that man Ryan it's him isn't it that's what your talking about"

Somehow Philip knew that it was about him.
"Lukas you better explain...." Helen gestures Lukas takes Philips hand and leads them to Philips old bedroom them both sitting on the bed"Tell me if you want me to stop or slow down" Lukas tells him before starting.

"Two months ago we were in a cabin my dad owns near the BMX track I train" Philip nods for him to carry on still holding Lukas hand.
"That day you recorded me on my bike for my YouTube channel and after that we headed up to the cabin...... we had a beer and....." he cuts him of.

"Is that where we first kissed?" Lukas nods"I remember some of it just us kissing that's it" Philip says"Well things were going fine until it started going dark and a car pulled up" he took a break hating that he had to tell this to Philip especially knowing after he tells him he'd want to remember everything that happened that night.

"Philip we.... we witnessed a homicide" Philip looks at him with a straight face his jaw clenching time to time after 10 minuets of silence Philip ask a question"How many people were in the cabin?"

Lukas clears his throat"Four" Lukas lets go of his hand and brings his hands into his lap.
"How's Ryan involved wait.... is that why he took me beat me up and left me for dead in the car?" It was true.

"I don't know who the other three guys were but yes Ryan was there he shot the guys who kidnapped him and was gonna shoot you until I knocked him out" Philip faces pales his hands shake"He wants to finish the job doesn't he?"
Philip already knew the answer.

"Yeah that's why were not safe" Philip stands and paces his room creating a draft"I need to remember" he know he does"I know.... but you know it won't just come back in a click" he ignores Lukas"I need some air" and leaves the room Lukas doesn't know to follow him or not so stays put.

Until he hears his bike engine start Lukas runs down stairs and out the front door Helen had replaced to see his bike going out of sight.

Helen and Gabe join him outside"Where's he gone?" Gabe asks"I think I now where can I borrow the car?" Helen nods handing him her keys.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now